
HD DVD Vs. Blu-ray players?

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are hd dvd players becoming obsolete




  1. buy the playstation 3 it has a blu-ray player but is cheaper than a seperate blu-ray player

  2. Certainly in some ways, since with the end of the HD disk format war there won't be many more new HD DVD movies, BUT HD DVD players are not useless:

    - there are over 450 HD DVD movies today and they are as good as (and in some cases Better than) Blu-ray. Some movies on HD DVD are not yet available on Blu-ray. So many HD DVD fans are happily enjoying HD versions of films that Blu-ray owners can only watch on DVD.

    - An HD DVD player remains capable of playing HD DVD disks and -- maybe even more important -- is an excellent upconverting DVD player. Many people have bought an HD DVD player for $100 or less simply for this capability.

    So ... yes they have a limited future, but they are well built players with ongoing capacity to play existing HD DVD movies (many of which will be or are being sold for a fraction of the price of the same movie on Blu-ray) and as an excellent DVD player for existing libraries of DVDs.

    What many Blu-ray fans don't like to acknowledge is that with the exception of the PS3 most Profile 1,0 and 1.1 Blu-ray players are actually equally obsolete in that they can't be updated to full Profile 2.0 functionality. While the missing functions are not critical to watch the movie the player is still obsolete.

    BUT, then so is most consumer electronics almost as soon as it's sold due to continual introduction of new features (e.g. HDMI 1.3, HDCP, DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD decoders) which make previous model obsolete in the sense that the whole A/V receiver, HDTV or whatever has to be replaced to gain that feature.

  3. Yes, they have discontined making HD DVD players and discs.  Buy Blu-Ray.

  4. buy ps3 to play blue ray disc..

    hd dvd is game over.

  5. Yes there are becoming obsolete. Three main reason for this.

    1. Toshiba the major manufacturing company for HD-DVD has stop production on the hardware.

    2. Retail stores have annouced they are not going to stock any more HD-DVD titles.

    3. Major film makers have stopped producing movies for the HD-DVD format.

    The only logical choice is Blu-Ray.

  6. Yes. Empahtically yes. Do not buy an HD-DVD player for more than $25--they will be paperweights in less than a year.

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