
HD DVD and Blu-Ray Opinions?

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I have both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. I was a huge Blu-ray man until I got the HD-DVD. The extra's that the HD-DVD have are so sweet. Blu-Ray doesn't even have half of the extras that the HD does. I'm really hoping that neither one wins and they can both co-exist. Any other opinions on this?




  1. done deal, blu-ray wins.  all major movie studios are either currently backing blu-ray or are in negotiations to do so.  not to mention basically the only rental place (blockbuster) left in the vast majority of the US.

  2. Blu-Ray is proven to have a very slight better picture... However the extras on HD DVD are amazing... However Blu-Ray will win because they have more movie producing companies backing them. Also elecronic stores seem to be selling more Blu-Rays than HD DVDs.

  3. blu ray has already essentially won.  as an owner of HD DVD its kind of depressing, but no matter.  90 percent of all hardware sold now is on blu ray and the vast majority of studios are now on blu ray.  so the safe choice is blu ray.

  4. Hehe, oh silly people.  HD DVD is the superior format.  There is no picture difference whatsoever to those whom answered that there is.  This is evidenced by the fact that dual producing studios use the same encoding for the transfer... sorry, blu is not better.  Also, blu does not sell 90% of the hardware... in fact, they have only sold 500,000 units of standalone players... all of which are now obsolete and will never be able to play features like those on HD DVD.  This also renders disc size mute, as you would use that space (and they are for profile 1.1) for special features that can not be watched by any of the current bluray owners of standalone machines.  

    HD DVD is cheaper to buy, cheaper to produce, and appeals to movie lovers outside of the gamer generation.  Once the market is saturated by potential Ps3 owners, there will be no room to grow until 2.0 is finalized, and HD DVD will continue to prosper.  It was a poor move jumping to bluray early, and the studios (warner, and fox) are going to regret it, especially after the 27% market share increase that HD DVD has seen in the past 2 weeks.  As long as Paramount and Universal (whom mount the best slate of movies for 2008) stay with HD DVD, blu will burn out.  Sony payoffs aside, the market saturation isn't there for a few reasons.

    1.  The Ps3:  Most movie lovers who aren't gamers won't want a game machine to play their movies, and this is the only machine that is upgradable with future updates to bring bluray to a competitive lvl with HD DVD

    2.  Price:  The key that allowed DVD to pass in its format war was price drop (such as HD DVD can) and this allows your average movie lover to experience Hi-Def.  Bluray simply cannot do this.  Even selling units at 400$ and discs at 25$ bluray takes a huge loss.  Toshiba takes a comparatively smaller loss on units selling for 100-200$!!!  This is simple consumer economics, the cheaper, better format is HD DVD and if the studios would allow fair trade, bluray would lose bigtime!!!!

    Ruggle:  First, Paramount and Universal are not in negotiations to switch, neither is studio canal (which distributes for fox, sony and mgm in britain and as region coding is not done for HD DVD, you can import those).  Its not a done deal, and not even close to over.  Just watch.

    Paul B:  Actually, all of the adult film companies were and are using HD DVD except for Digital playground which is the only one using bluray.  Blu said no to adult films and have currently backtracked.

  5. HD DVD are slowly dying.  Blu-Ray is going to win eventually.  Blu-Ray discs hold more than HD discs.  All the major studios are going to eventually use Blu-Ray.  And finally all the adult film companies use Blu-Ray.

  6. Zienzman wrote:

    "Hehe, oh silly people. HD DVD is the superior format."

    Stating opinion as fact is certainly a way to go... Not that I would. Few people in the know actually land on either side with picture but lots agree that the sound is better on Blu.

    "Also, blu does not sell 90% of the hardware... "  It actually did reach 92% the week after Warner announced for BD

    " fact, they have only sold 500,000 units of standalone players... all of which are now obsolete and will never be able to play features like those on HD DVD." Yup. No PiP commentary or internet extras. Exactly what % of people actually look at the extras or listen to commentary anyway? Oh yeah the 2.8 Million PS3 users will though.

    "This also renders disc size mute, as you would use that space (and they are for profile 1.1) for special features that can not be watched by any of the current bluray owners of standalone machines. " I'm sure he meant moot.

    "HD DVD is cheaper to buy, cheaper to produce, and appeals to movie lovers outside of the gamer generation. Once the market is saturated by potential Ps3 owners, there will be no room to grow until 2.0 is finalized, and HD DVD will continue to prosper."    

    Cheaper equals less value in this case. Actually 2 of the 3 machines made by toshiba are on clearance at CC. Hurry up and get 1 while you still can.

    "It was a poor move jumping to bluray early, and the studios (warner, and fox) are going to regret it, especially after the 27% market share increase that HD DVD has seen in the past 2 weeks." Yup. They sure will regret having a much bigger market then P and U. Oh wait a minute. Paramount and Universal are no longer Exclusive to HD DVD.

    "As long as Paramount and Universal (whom mount the best slate of movies for 2008) stay with HD DVD, blu will burn out."


    "Sony payoffs aside, the market saturation isn't there for a few reasons."  

    He conveniently ignores the $150Mil payout to Paramount and Universal by HD DVD. Sony made a counteroffer to Fox after they were offered by HD DVD. Warner took nothing from BD,

    "the cheaper, better format is HD DVD and if the studios would allow fair trade, bluray would lose bigtime!!!!"  Fair trade?? Customers chose the winner not studios.

    No it isn't over yet. When a giant dies, it takes awhile to fall. There is still lots of HD DVD movies to get rid of for Universal and Paramount. Besides they made commitments when they took the $150 Mil apiece so they will still be comming out with HD DVD for a little while but mark my word. The "War" is over.

    Sorry about your HD DVD player Zienzman. You should have waited like me. I think I'll go get me a Blu-Ray player now.

  7. I wanted HD-DVD to win to. It is a better format from the start.  The only thing Blu-ray had was a bigger disc...

    But now with movie formats being 5 for Blu-ray and 2 for Hd-DVD i don't see much hope in site for HD-DVD.   honestly they need to quickly go back to the drawing board and give movie studios something they really really want.  Maybe that would get some to change again (or do both).  But I doubt it!

  8. They will co-exist for while.....and personally I was an HD DVD man until I saw that most of the movies I wanted were on Blu-Ray so I got a dual format player.

    This format war would have made more sense if all movies were available on both formats then companies and studios would have a more realistic idea of what the consumer really wants.....the only thing they can really say with the way they released the movies is that people want spider-man (bluray) more than they want the hulk (HD DVD) as opposed to being able to say people want spiderman on bluray more than spiderman on HD DVD.

  9. stay with blue-ray!! hd is on its way out!!

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