
HD-DVD or Blu-Ray?

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Ok, I hear all about HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray. I have a PS3 and an HDTV, but I would also like to be able to watch it in my laptop. Given these points, which would be wiser to buy?




  1. HD DVD vs Blu-Ray is a thing of the past....HD DVD lost and is no longer being manufactured....the only choice is Blu-Ray.

  2. blu-ray

  3. definitely blu-ray.  no company makes hd dvds anymore

  4. Blu-ray was the winner of the format war. YOu don't need to buy anything, your PS3 IS A BLU-RAY PLAYER. In fact, it is concidered by many to be the  best blu-ray player on the market. If you want to watch a Blu-ray on your laptop, however, you need to have a laptop with a Blu-Ray Reader/writer. BLu-ray Discs WILL NOT play in a regular DVD player.

  5. HD-DVD lost to Blu-Ray. Either way you go with, you still need your laptop to be able to play that format, most likely your laptop has a drive that only plays plain old DVD not HD.

  6. Blu Ray definately, HD dvd didnt take off, kinda like the Beta max VCR

  7. HD-DVD is dead.  Ka-putt.  No more.

    Laptop makers are beginning to ship models with built-in blu-ray drives, but you're going to pay a lot more for them.

    Personally, I think DVD on laptop is good enough.
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