
HD Radio Markets?

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Can you listen to HD radio stations in more than one market? I live in Canton Ohio and there is Only 2 stations broacasting in HD here. However I live about an hour away from cleveand Ohio which has 30 or more stations broadcasting in HD and HD 2 channels. I can pick up just about any cleveleland station on my reagular radio. Would I be able to pick up stations from the cleveand market or just my local canton stations. I was curious because I'm thinking about getting an HD radio and I dont think it would be worth it if I can only listen to 2 stations that i can pick up fine with out an hd radio.




  1. It depends more on where the antenna for the radio station is than the market the signal is aimed for.

    The jury is still out on HD's range. I've read in some trade boards that unless you are pretty close to the transmitter, you won't catch the HD signal as it's a add on signal that is below the power of the current signal you hear today (Digital TV get away with it because they are currently on a complete separate channel than the analog hince they they run almost the same power.

    Haven't personally run a HD radio yet, but that I think is coming soon (that and there are only 2 or so HD stations in my area..go figure)

  2. Well where I live at in the Detroit, Michigan area we have very many radio stations broadcasting in HD radio. I live in Inkster, Michigan a suburb of Detroit.

    I own an HD radio.

    I already had SIRIUS satellite radio before I bought an HD radio.

    I still have SIRIUS satellite radio.

    I just bought an HD radio to see what it was like.

    It is hard to pick some HD signals in Detroit, Michigan Area.

    With an HD radio sometimes radio stations HD 1 or HD 2 FM channels can be down some times and all you can hear is the analog signal.

    It is hard to pick up AM HD signals with an HD radio, I have an Accurian receiver, I dont know if this replies to other brands of HD radio's.

    Here in the metro Detroit area we have 2 Canadian radio stations serving the Detroit, Michigan area from Windsor, Ontario, Canada and they are currently not broadcasting in HD.

    Probably radio stations on FM and AM do not broadcast in HD in Canada.
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