
HD riders do you watch UFC?

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harley davidson sponsors UFC. Is the UFC really HD's taget market.. not bashing just wondering




  1. the UFC's viewers tend to be 18-49 year-old males, the same people HD markets too. as a harley rider, no, i can't stand UFC (or anything similar). i also don't watch boxing and "pro" wrestling

  2. no

  3. No.

    When I want to see a bar fight, I go to a bar.

  4. No.

  5. A friend of mine who is disabled rides harleys purely and simply because they;re comfortable for him and his wife.  But he enjoys a good bought i.e Boxing.  Each to their own I say

  6. I think there is definitely some overlap there.  Have you seen the new Harley "Cross Bones" commercials?

    It looks like they're going back to wanting a h***s Angels, badass-type brand like they had in the 80's even though the newer bikes have rubber mounted engines and a lot of amenities that would really put them more in the Honda Gold Wing type of demographic.

    And UFC is not like pro-wrestling.  It's a real, professional sport, more like the ball sports.

  7. NO To much of it for real

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