
HDMI vs Component Cable?

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hi im buying a lg24" beyond full hd moniter that im going to hook up my ps3 to.

now it has RCA/RGB (yellow white and red) i think rgb is red white and yellow....

it has component without the audio (if i used this i could just plug the audio into the speaker jack-rca converter on my X-540 speakers.

it also has hdmi which carries sound and picture but i dont think the moniter has its own speakers.

So could i just plug in the rca cable AND hdmi in back of my ps3, then plug the hdmi in the moniter an then the red and white auido cables directly into my speakers.

would that work?

if not how do i get sound?

my last question is if both COMPONENT and HDMI support 1080p, is hdmi actually any better than component???





  1. Use HDMI, which is a digital-to-digital connection between your monitor and game machine. Component Video requires conversion to analog and then back to digital. It will be slower, maybe noticeably. On a bigger monitor, the picture wouldn't be as good.

    Use HDMI and connect your red/white cables to the rca converter on your X-540 speakers.

    For future reference:

    HDMI: digital video/audio interface with HDCP copy protection and SDID data included

    Component Video: (Yprpb) analog video interface where:

    Green = brightness, horizontal sinc, vertical sinc.

    Blue = blue chromanance (color)

    Red = red chromanance (color)

    (green is calculated by the monitor)

    Component Video: (Ycrcb) digital video interface where:

    Green = brightness, horizontal sinc, vertical sinc.

    Blue = blue chromanance (color)

    Red = red chromanance (color)

    (green is calculated by the monitor)

    RGB = analog video interface where:

    G = green, horizontal sinc, vertical sinc

    R = red

    B = blue

    RGBHV is all five aspects of video where:

    G = green

    R = red

    B = blue

    H = horizontal sinc

    V = vertical sinc

    RCA audio/video set where:

    Yellow = all parts necessary to deliver low definition color video

    Red = right channel audio

    White = left channel audio

    In every case, there are only 5 parts to video: red, green, blue, h sinc and v sinc. There is a reason green is omitted sometimes. To make TV white (6504 Kelvin) you need 11% blue, 30% red and 59% green. Green takes the most bandwidth. By not sending the green, bandwidth requirements are reduced. It's easy math to calculate when a signal of 100% tells you what percent 4 of the 5 components are, to calculate the fifth.

  2. I'm not really sure about this, but when I use component cables, my hd dvd player will only go up to 1080i. When I use HDMI, it outputs at 1080p.

    I have my ps3 connected through HDMI as well.

    It's worth the investment really, the difference is huge!

    Have a watch of that.

    Also, don't buy the 300 dollar Monster HDMI cable, you'd be pretty stupid to buy any cable over 30 dollars, there shouldn't be much difference (if any) difference.

    Also, it's pretty convienient, one cable for audio and visual v 3 cables.

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