
(HDMI)Best Rated Affordable HDMI CABLE for LCD TV?

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I have a 42' LCD TV with my HD-Time Warner Cable and now a Samsung (hd) surround sound and everyone is telling me to buy a HDMI cable for better sound and look so I was wondering What is an alright HDMI cable I could buy that isn't over $100.

What brad is okay (on lenth It really don't matter because the connections are right next to each other it could b 4ft long or less)

Also what is the Difference between all types of cables....

Thank you!!!




  1. Cables do differ, but for the simple connection you define ... buy a Monoprice Category 2 certified HDMI 1.3 cable.  The main differences are in physical aspects like size of conductor, quality of connectors, type of shielding, etc. The performance difference shows up primarily in how long the cable can be before it fails (like 15 or 30 or 60 ft ... not 3-4).

    See the links for HDMI info (from a site that arguably sells the best HDMI cables going ... better than Monster and much cheaper) and an article on why budget cables are fine.

  2. Buy a Monster Cable on Ebay.

    You can get one for around $40 if you try, maybe even less.

    These are the best cables ever and the only ones I use.

    Though Belkin makes a good cable and I would assume the Phillips cable they sell at Wal-mart is ok.

  3. Get Inspire (that is the name I believe) for $3 with shipping $3 more. Do not listen to anyone saying that you need to buy Monster cable or anything else in that category. It is all 0s and 1s; any cable for digital transfer can handle it.

    I did a research on my own one year ago and bought a pair of these from Amazon and completely satisfied with 720p or 1080i quality of sound and picture; the same quality of Monster for $39 at CC.

    Good luck.


    Hope that helps :)

  5. Don't worry about spending too much on HDMI cables as they are pretty much the same.  Salespeople will tell you about "gold tip" and insulation but the differences are VERY minimal.  Unlike analog cables where transmission can be loss due to a loose connection or poor insulation, HDMI is purely digital and travels via light.  There is either a connection or not, there will not be a better or worse connection.  You can spend as little as $10.00 for a HDMI cable or over $100.  Go to which will give you more detailed description or just google HDMI.

  6. We got our HDMI @ Wal-mart. It was about $30. I don't remember the brand.

    We never use the HDMI except for when using the PS3 on my flat screen tv. I have awesome HD reception and pictures, though.

    I can't tell you what all the cables and all are for, but, I don't think you need it for better cable reception. As long as you have the HD-tier channels with your cable subscription, you should be ok.

  7. I'm a tv salesman, and I've never bought hdmi.

    Component [green/blue/red] and two audio rca [red/white] is all you need.

    Granted if you buy HDMI the picture chop will be slightly less, but meh, its not worth it to me.

    If you got the money, then why not?

    As far as what brand.. haha, Philips.. RCA.. whatever

    thats the website I use to buy my stuff --^

    Often cheaper than the box stores, like the one I work at.

  8. agree with the same post above inspiretech sells 1.3b rated hdmi cables for pretty good price with lifetime warranty

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