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I just bought 2 goldfish and this morning the tank was very cloudy ,why is this ?




  1. Ammonia can cause water to be cloudy too, best bet is to clean the water out first. Buy some testing sticks and keep an eye on it. If the ammonia is okay, check your gravel/sand is rinsed properly, check you have the appropriate filter and that it's running properly x*x

  2. make sure you wash whatever you put in tank and rinse very very well. Sometimes the stones make the water very cloudy. Rinse them over and over. Also I use spring water from a bottle in all my fish bowls and tanks. That way I dont worry about any toxins. A little more expensive but if you only have one tank wont be bad. make sure if you have a filter it is running right. Also fish food is often a culprit of cloudy water. :)

  3. I kno wat your talkin about.the water in my tank is like that.i half change the water every week and add cloudy water treatmet.

    It works! Really It works!

  4. The cloudiness could be small particules in the water, too small for the filter to catch and remove.  Add Crystal Clear (it's purple liquid available at most Walmarts and pet stores) to make these tiny particles bond together and be big enough for your filter to remove.

  5. You need to do more water changes, and you might be overfeeding. Extra food decomposing will contribute to cloudiness. Make sure you treat the tap water first for the water change, chlorinated water will kill the fish!

  6. Did you cycle the tank? Is the tank filtered?

    If the answer is no to either of those.

    As soon as you added the fish they started creating waste. With no established bacteria to convert this waste its caused a bacterial bloom which may well have caused an ammonia spike (causes the water to smell, the fish to act lethargic and to develop black markings). Test your water, if there is any ammonia reading you will need to do daily partial water changes until this reduces to zero.

    Goldfish must must MUST have heavily over filtered and large tanks.

  7. Buy the drops you put in the tank, to help clean out the foggynes.

  8. It sounds like something with the fish's water at the pet shop.  There could have been something on the fish that caused the water to become cloudy   Empty out the tank,  clean it, and change the water immediately, then try again.  If the water becomes cloudy again, try buying some cloudy water treatment at your local pet store.

    It also might be the decorations in your tank.  Some decorations and rocks do cause cloudy water in fish tanks.

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