
HELP!, I'm going away for a while...

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im going on holiday in 3 days and i need help with writing a list of things i need to take...

im going to spain and there will be beaches and swimming pools. its also at a polaris world so im obvious taking my clubs. if everyone could give me suggestions on what to take that would be cool.

just give me ideas on what things i could take for fun like games or whatever and stuff I am definately going to need.



I will be choosing the best answer for the one who gives me the most things.




  1. My actual packing for such a trip is pretty simple, and really only takes me about half an hour.

    Clothes.  Obviously.  Things that fit your needs...bathing suit, summery clothes, and if you are in the South, you'll probably want much lighter than even England for summer.

    underwear.  I always take more than I think I'll need, or plan to do laundry.

    Toiletries.  I keep them all in the same place, so I just dump everything I'll need, toothpaste, makeup, curling supplies, etc. into a "kit bag", (like a shaving kit bag) and put that into my carry on.  I put shampoo and conditioner, etc., into small travel containers, so they don't take up too much room.  My little 3 oz containers, lasted me a whole month.

    SUNSCREEN!  esp. if your skin is might not be able to locate your favorite brand too quickly, and who wants to spend half a day of their vacation tracking down a special brand.

    Any pills/medications you need.

    You're going to be on a plane for a while?  I found having some hand-held games to be wonderfully entertaining.  Or if you have a phone with games on it, or an Ipod or Iphone...some of those get movies and everything!  My friend entertained his two small children with a movie on that little 2.25" screen for a flight not long ago!  Or a book.  Puzzle magazines are good, too.  You can take them to the pool, as well, to further entertain you.  

    Don't forget your camera, and you might want to have extra info cards.  Just don't take those digitals on the beach!  Sand will destroy it!

    For an idea of what they are wearing in Spain:

  2. hey its great that your

    going on a trip

    suntan lotion,camera of course,some music,clothes,if you have a pet bring it,laptop if you have one. good luck hope you have fun

  3. normal stuff for a trip: clothes, toiletries,....

    beach: suit, shoes: bring easy to walk around sandals(really handy for boardwalks or whatever(for showers), tennis shoes, flip flops, towel, camera, a bag for the beach (easy to clean water and sand can get on it), mat (to lay on and shake out), hat, sunglasses, a good book, favorite game, something if you collect sand samples and shells, Frisbee (with friends), paddles and a ball, extra towels, a kit with eye drops or something if sand gets in your eyes,  maybe want to buy, rent or borrow )or if you find one in good shape someone left a umbrella (big one to plant in sand), water shoes )if you use those), boogie board if you have one, laptop, sketch pad if you like drawing (lots of inspiration on a beach), pillow or towel as pillow (for naps). nothing too fancy- just some comfy clothes, water and you'll be fine. try to stay covered from the sun but if not bring aloe vera! have and awesome trip! sounds like a ton of fun... I'm jealous!   woah... sorry this is too long...  


    underwear extras



    condoms if your young ;)


  5. sun screen

    list of phone number in your home country

    beach shoes in case showers are not clean

    list of good places to go to (clubs, restaurants)

    book for the flight

  6. If you are going to be staying in a Polaris world resort take loads of cash - seriously compared to the normal restaurants and bars its really expensive. Polaris world resorts tend to be isolated so you will need a hire car if you plan to leave the resort.  It's really hot here at the moment so make sure you have a high protection sun cream and a cap if you are playing golf.  Most places are not that dressy.  Hope you have fun.

  7. hey

    plenty of water / liquid so you dont get thirsty on the way

    snacks if u dont wanna buy any..




    comfy shoes

    comfy clothes





    condoms if u like ;]

    mobile fone

    mayb a laptop but if u wana get away from evry1 then not lol


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