
HELP, how do you stop cutting your wrist?

by  |  earlier

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I cant seem to stop myself from cutting my own wrist, i have tried to stop but i cant it feels so good when i do it but i have got so many scares on my wrist i have to wear wristbands all day and night so no one will see my scares, i want to stop but i just cant, i don't have any family to talk to and i am to ashamed to tell my friends cause they will think i am weak and make fun of me because i am a guy and guys don't usually do this, i need help i know it but i am lost, please i need some really good advice. thanks in advance.




  1. what was the reason for you to start to begin with was it a loss of a loved one, g/f left you what its hard to help if no one knows the root sorce  of the problem. i can suggest that first throw all your blades away try and get over what problem started this and i would suggest a good friend or family member to talk to and if no firend or family member is will to talk about this problem seek counsling for the safety of your self and for the safety of other

  2. You only think guys don't do this because most guys like you think it means you are weak. I (and my brother) cut ourselves.

    Everyone thinks its a kind of high. I did it out of frustration when I was young. It was misunderstood as suicide attempt. I had no want to die. I just wanted a way to release all the frustration over the stuff I couldn't control. Which at the time was everything! No one would listen to my thoughts unless I did something drastic. It's strange the things being ignored will do to you. Anyway you do need counseling. You don't have to tell your friends. If you trust an adult they can send you to sessions, legally these have to remain confidential. As a parent I watch for this behavior. I think everything is genetic. I'm not perfect I don't always listen to them, but I really try. I wish I could change the situation making you feel the need to cut.  

  3. Seek counseling.  This is not normal to hurt yourself.

  4. What's gone on in your life that you started doing that to yourself ? You need help as soon as. You need to talk to a counsellor to talk this out and help you get onto the path of being well and treating yourself right. You are a unique person, there is no-one and never will be, anyone else quite like you.  Get to a church, be straight up with them, get prayer, get counselling. You can have hope for the future.  

  5. I think that you possibly have issues that have not been dealt with - please go see a doctor to arrange for someone that you can talk to to  help you resolve your issues.

    Until you do this you will keep trying to draw attention to yourself by cutting yourself  - as you don't have any family to help you - its up to you to initiate your own help - genuine professionals will not belittle you for asking for help and if your friends are doing this - well sorry to say but they are not real friends - you will not be less masculine for asking for help - so come on you can do it - pick up the phone and call on your doctor to start the ball rolling or process of the first day of the rest of your life. There is so much in this lovely big world for you to enjoy and with what you have been doing - its just not enjoyable

    I wish you the courage to make a move to help yourself  

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