
HELP, my license plates are getting revoked...?

by  |  earlier

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Because of financial difficulty, in May we were unable to pay our car insurance for our vehicles, which in turn caused our Liability insurance to lapse (which is illegal in NC). A week or so ago we were just able to afford insurance again and got that set up. Because of a lapse in Liability insurance, the DMV has now set an order to revoke our license plates, and the plates MUST be turned in for 30 days. We offered to pay the fee, but they will not accept it now. We cannot afford to turn the plates in, as my husband has to work and I have to drive 1 1/2 hours back and forth to school every day. We can schedule a hearing, but I was told we would have to prove the lapse wasn't our fault. We can barely afford to put food on the table for our 3 kids. What can we do?




  1. I live in Nc and have had this problem twice now. And yes I understand how difficult it is to afford car insurance and all the other things we have to pay.

    Anyway the exact same thing happened to me. The first time they sent me the letter saying I had to forfeit my plates or pay a fee etc. And I missed the deadline b/c I didn't have the money in time. All I could do was call the DMV and they talked to me about it and said my option was to request a hearing about it and that I would be able to state my case to them and see what they want to do. Anyway I set that up and waited and waited for about 2 months and never got a phone call or letter saying I was going to get the phone call.

    Eventually I got a letter from the DMV saying they had decided I didn't need to have a hearing and that if I would pay the fee and show proof of insurance that I would be ok. I did that and was fine.

    The second time it happened I just made sure I went straight to the DMV with the money for the fine and a copy of my insurance to show them and got it cleared up A.S.A.P.

    Nc is the only state I have heard of being that strict about stuff like that but there isn't much you can do other than try to call someone quick at the DMV and state your case to them and try to get a hearing or have them let you pay the fine.

  2. The answer may vary by person.It would be a good idea to hear some of them and try to choose the best one.Here is a good one.

  3. Unfortunately you probably have no option here.  If State law mandates a 30 day tag suspension for allowing your insurance to lapse but you didn't take the vehicle off the road then you're stuck with it.  Failing to surrender your tags as ordered will only compound the problems as your license will be revoked and your tags will be revoked for a longer period of time.  If you think that you have problems now, think about THOSE consequences.  

    You rolled the dice and came up craps.  Sorry, but it's time to pay the price now.  Check with a local attorney but there's probably little that can be done now.

  4. Just get a new license plate.

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