
HELP ,Very aggressive man behavior (Important)?

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Very aggressive man medication( help important ) ?

hi all,

Suppose there is a 60 years old male, who is always angry and makes a lot of trouble and quarrels with almost everyone, he is diabetes and have a little high blood pressure.

what is the best medication and dosage for him, or at least the medicationname.

please it is very very important, because he makes a lot a lot of troubles and all people around him, began to hate him so much, and i don`t know what will this end at.

I don`t mean he is depressed, he just got very bad temper and sometimes aggressive , so any calm down medications, that works hard.

Also , please tell me , if this medications can be given in juice ,food ,water or tea or any other thing, thanks




  1. I think that I said before, he needs to take himself to the doctor and see if there is medication that will not have an adverse effect on his current medications for diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Dont think about getting meds and putting them into his food or drink because you could adversely affect what he is already taking.  Be honest with him and ask him to seek help.

  2. I am sure that there are medications that will help calm him down.  But, unless he has been declared incompetent, you cannot give him drugs without his consent, as that sounds like what you want to do.  Have you told his doctor about his anger and aggressiveness?  It could be caused by some of the current medications that he is on.  

  3. You have asked this same question 5 times today......... Answers have included - St John's Wort, Chamomile tea, and most importantly have him see a doctor. You are not going to find an instant miracle cure that you can get at your corner store. Take the man to see a doctor.

  4. Like it or  not, he has the legal right to be angry and aggressive.  You do not have the right to decide how he should be, and certainly don't have the right to spike his drinks or food.  I just hope you are not talking presciption meds or street drugs.  For that, you would be breaking the law and potentially poisoning him.

  5. You can't get medication without a prescription, and to get a prescription you need to go to a doctor so that he or she can prescribe it for you.

    They will tell you how to take the medicine.

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