
HELP!! :0! please :( any useful imput would be great?

by  |  earlier

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Hello people. PLEASE HELP. I have a rash i think on my stomach and someone thinks it might be shingles but i ?

am not sure. It doesnt really look like a rash it just has 2 red bumps/pimples on it. But it ITCHES like h**l!!!

waht should i do? ps.where i live the doctors place isnt open til Monday.

What does anyone suggest me do til Monday? Any home remedies or anything i can buy?

what do you smart people think it might be.

any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Try not to itch it. Put some cortizone cream on it or try Benadryl. If it really is bothering you still try and find a walk in clinic.  

  2. go to any hospital or take a analgesic till go to the dr.

  3. Dah'lin put some Oil of Oregano on it and come back and share the wonderous results.


  4. calamine lotion

  5. It might be heat rash, put a cold flannel on it

  6. Try using an anti-hystomine lotion on it.  Hydrocortisone works well at relieving the itch caused by allergies or shingles.  Also a couple of aspirons help to calm the itch.

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