
HELP!!! 3 Yr. Old Beagle & Chocolate??

by  |  earlier

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Okay... so, I live in a loft and I went downstairs to get my 4 week old kitten her KMR. I was literally gone for a minute. When I came back upstairs, my 3 year old beagle had jumped on my bed and eaten a whole pint of chocolate ice cream!! I know that I should've been more careful where I put it, so please don't tell me about that. I already feel bad about it. What should I do? Is she going to be okay?




  1. I don't think there's enough chocolate in that to kill him.

    It would have to be in a more concentrated form, such as a chocolate candy bar. Semi sweet chocolate and baker's chocolate has the highest level of toxicity. He'll probobly get diarrhea though. It would be a good idea to take him to a veterinarian just to be sure.

  2. A pint of chocolate ice cream might give her a tummy ache and that much people food is bad for any dog however the toxic properties of chocolate that is harmful to dogs won't be found in ice cream because that is usually flavorings only or liquid like chocolate syrup that was added. Most of that type of chocolate is extremely diluted and rarely REAL chocolate.

    The toxic type of chocolate would be pure chocolate like a candy bar at minimum but even that has been diluted so much it's unlikely.

    The highest toxins found in the higher quality chocolate like the kind with the pure cacao or cocoa bean can be deadly high doses. That would be found in baking chocolate, gourmet chocolates, bittersweet chocolate and the like.

    Good Luck

  3. He'll be OK - just watch him - he will sincerely have the runs...and a tummy ache.

    This ice cream is mixed with cream, sugar, and some other stuff, besides chocolate.  it's NOT concentrated.

    I would say bring him to the Vet if he ate 3 chocolate bars.

  4. OMG! go to the vet IMMEDIATELY (if it's day time right now where you live, it's now night time where i live) she will probbably be okay because this is her first time eating something she's not supposed to, right?  well, if it's her first time, then it wont be THAT bad. i highly suggest you take her to the vet. good luck to you and your pup. hang in there =)

  5. I know they can die.  You might want to consider calling a vet.

  6. He'll be just fine.  He might puke or get the runs, but that'lll be from all the food, the dairy and the sugar.  

    Chocolate is bad for dogs, but in chocolate ice cream there is really hardly (if any) chocolate.  

  7. When in doubt...take it to a vet.


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