
HELP 911 hummingbird?

by  |  earlier

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help there is a hummingbird outside my house

it is on the ground hurt but still breathing

i think it's wing is brocken

i put it under a hot water bottle and put some water for it

when i was doing some researce it said they could starve

in a matter of hours HELP ME SAVE IT

please reply as soon as possibe for the humming bird's sake




  1. check your phonebook for a vet that does birds or find a wildlife rescue good luck i hope the bird makes it

  2. get it to a wildlife rehab ASAP...look here for one near you:

  3. contact with wildlife people they can help you. they kind of eat sugar water. but just contact the wildlife people . Good Luck

  4. call animal control they'll come pick them up ..

    or wildlife control lol

    they both will help you and the humming bird out.



    they drink nectar lol
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