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i have this Chinese burn powder that is applied to burned skin (ht-57)

i had cue tips that i used to apply it on my skin, anyway i also was cleaning out ears with them i wet the cut tips used to clean ears with my mouth, i ascendantly stuck the cue tip with the powder in it in my mouth, i rinsed out mouth immediately (the bottle says FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY) am i in danger??




  1. Why are you wasting precious time here? Call 911 or Poison Control Center, professional services that will tell you exactly what to do.  

  2. It's possible. I would suggest calling poison control just in case.

  3. America's poison centers are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help you.  The Poison Help hotline 1-800-222-1222 serves as a key medical information resource and helps reduce costly emergency room visits.  

  4. why are you on here? you need to call poison control. or go to the ER

  5.   Your going to die.

  6. the answer to this is obvious,  thanks for the points

  7. First off call Poison control NOT Yahoo Answers. Second DON'T use Q-tips to clean your ears. I know we were duped into doing it for quite a while. Truth is that it should have NEVER been done. It simply pushes the wax deeper in to the ear and can make things worse. Also look at the side-effect since you wetted the swab and now have other problems.  

  8. No

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