
HELP ASAP um i know this is not a horse but any why i have a pig and it is a always muddy and she tips over

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her water all the time and the rain does not help a little mud is ok we do everything to get it not muddy please help and to have her not tip over her water HELP ASAP




  1. Dig a hole for her water container and place the bottom third of it into the hole.

    The dirt holds it without it tipping.

    You might get her a kiddie swimming pool, too.

    Pigs don't necessarily like mud.  They like the cooling effects of it.

    Show her how to use the pool and you will have a clean, happy, cool pig.

  2. I can't help you with the water other than to suggest a type of horse feeder that requires you to put the water bowl inside a tire so that the tire acts as an anchor.  Another option is to attach a bracket permanently to the side of her enclosure.

    The mud however, is completely natural and shouldn't be discouraged unless she appears to have a skin condition.  If her skin is white/pink it helps to keep from getting sun burnt.  It helps with dry skin and likewise keeps a lot of pesky bugs at bay.

  3. A pig does not have a lot of protection from the sun and heat, therefore they like the mud for cooling off purposes.  If they have a good cool place to spend the hot afternoons, then that is where they will stay.  If they have a large enough area, they will have one portion as a toilet and the rest for living, they are really not a dirty animal, but domestic life has forced them to be seen that way.  As for the tipping the water bucket, one could put out an automatic waterer attached to the hydrant but that is a little expensive, even though they would catch on to the automatic thing much faster than any horse or cow.  I would use the tractor tire method as suggested in an earlier response.  I have used them for the horses and they work great.  

  4. Our pig also dumps over her water bucket. It's simple- pigs like mud. Make sure she always has some mud, and then try to get her a shorter, wider bucket that is harder to tip over. If that doesn't work, rig up some sort of contraption to attach the bucket to the wall/ground/whatever.  

  5. we use wide flat ground tubs for watering the pigs.  the one that tips hers over, we've put a cinder block in.  It discorages her from trying to get in it, makes it harder to tip over, and root under.   It does mean we have to check and fill her water 2-3 times daily since there isnt as much with the block in there

  6. pigs love to dig with there nose so its normal to have them tip over there water and things like that. try keeping the water tube/bucket  connected it to the ground. and as of your pg being dirty its normal for them to get covered with mud. the mud acts as a protector for them. if you want you can give you your pig a bath.

    hope i helped...

  7. Pigs don't sweat like most animals, she needs the cooling effects of the mud. Get her a mister and a fan. The grass patch is a good idea, but it is their nature to root so don't get all frustrated when she digs. They like straw bedding too.Try a heavy cast iron pot inside a tire for her drinking water.Or put her water on cement or artificial turf.

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