
HELP - About untrained child care workers

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What is an untrained worker in child care…

Do they not need any qualifications?

Thank you.




  1. Unfortantly more and more childcare centers are just hiring whoever they can kind to fill a postioin.  Daycare workers are hard to find because the job does not pay well at all.  Also many times people look at child care workers and say wow you have an easy job.  You just play with kids all day.  They then apply and find out it is not as easy as they think.  I have been working in childcare/education for 7 years and I have seen my share of untrained workers.  At the centers I worked for if the staff realized first that the person was untrained then the person was usually given more training or never left alone with the children.  When parents started to notice and complain the untained worker was fired.  Not that I want to see someone loose their job but if the person cant preform well with children then they must go.  Talk to someone in authority about hte untained child care worker in your area.  Unfortantly the only requirement that the US currently has is that the person is over 18 and does not have a criminal background.  That leaves a lot of untained people the opportunity to work with your child.  

  2. an untrained worker in child care is a person off the street that they hired in with no experience or education...

    Don't take your kids to any childcare with inexperienced teachers

  3. In which country, so I know which qualifications to look for?

  4. it really depends on where you are as to the qualifications to work in a center.  in va. state you have to be 18, a high school graduate and 6 months experience to be a teacher but you can be an aid with no experience.

    when an untrained worker is hired it is the responsibility of the director (and the newly hired employee) to make training available and make sure the employee attends.  if the employee doesn't attend of the director doesn't train her, then she needs to leave the facility.

    it's very difficult to find trained workers due to the low wages and high expectations.  we really need to take a look at our childcare system in the usa.

  5. This happens a lot.  Daycare teachers are one of the lowest paid professions, and they are doing one of the most important jobs.  I work in  a preschool/daycare as a contracted special education therapist, and I see it there.  they hire people that "give the right feel" and know nothing about children.  It think its really unfair to the kids, and the unknowing parents.

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