Just a thought and would like opinions on this. Why is it everytime a parent can not control their child they think their child has ADD or ADHD?Not all parents do this seeing as some really do have the disorder but more then few just use this as a reason for their children acting out and them as parents do nothing about this? Its like "My kid runs wild and wont listen to me they have add or adhd"?Is it a lack of discipline or just letting themselves give up on their children when they get alittle wild? And the Bi polar disease that is ever so common now...everyone to me,seems to use these as excuses for one thing or another. If you wake up in a bad mood all the sudden you are bi polar??? Come on now...I think people need to start taking responsibility for their actions as well as their childrens actions,becuase most parents who claim to have add/adhd children do not discipline them and then look for an excuse as to why they are so wild....Any thoughts?Not bashin parents,just wondering?