
HELP Add AdHd child?

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Just a thought and would like opinions on this. Why is it everytime a parent can not control their child they think their child has ADD or ADHD?Not all parents do this seeing as some really do have the disorder but more then few just use this as a reason for their children acting out and them as parents do nothing about this? Its like "My kid runs wild and wont listen to me they have add or adhd"?Is it a lack of discipline or just letting themselves give up on their children when they get alittle wild? And the Bi polar disease that is ever so common now...everyone to me,seems to use these as excuses for one thing or another. If you wake up in a bad mood all the sudden you are bi polar??? Come on now...I think people need to start taking responsibility for their actions as well as their childrens actions,becuase most parents who claim to have add/adhd children do not discipline them and then look for an excuse as to why they are so wild....Any thoughts?Not bashin parents,just wondering?




  1. I am the mother of an adult ADHD son.  We have struggled for years with this challenge.  I have prayed...and cried....prayed and cried....I have chased every glimmer of hope.....and prayed and cried.....

    I am pretty .....miffed...@ you right now.....

    My first response to your thoughtless rant...was..."Lord...I hope she has a child with ADHD...."  but then I wouldn't want any child to suffer through this....

    You have spoken without thought....and you have been hurtful.

    Why don't you do some research...and pray this challenge never crosses your threshold.

  2. I personally think their is a huge difference between add , adhd, being hyper and just plain lack of a parent to discipline their child. Rather it be a spanking , a time out, grounding, or whatever fits the child. Yes I am one of those who believes every child is different and has to have the punishment fit the child ,as well as the crime. (yes I think all the books that say a time out works for every crime and every child are just plain crazyiness) I think for the most part parents are just lazy and it is easier to dope the child then to actually be a parent. That isn't to say their isn't real cases. I have a friend who has a child with a real case and she fights a up hill battle with it but I don't believe most are true cases , I believe most cases are a matter of plain laziness.

    I was also with a girl who was Bi-polar. She was a true Bi-polar . Some days were a real mess with her but her good days more then made up for her bad days. She just didn't like the way the meds made her feel and would quit taking them , which finally destroyed our relationship. I have also seen the fools who use it for a excuse , which after living with one , I can spot  a faker a mile away.

    What is even worse is the doctor who just give these drugs away like they are candy and the ones who think they know everything and how to handle every thing cause they read a book and went to college. Yes you know the ones . The ones who think they know more about how a child feels who was molested, then even the child herself or another person who was molested. WHY ? cause he read a book that told him how they feel and he went to college. These are the doctors who give out the pills to anyone who walks in and states that the child cant focus in school. Instead of telling them to go home and sit down everyday with your child and do school work and tell him to focus. It is a training thing for some kids. I do it with my son and I can say he has improved 100%. So it is lazy parents and doctors who have read to many books. More times then not , the old fashion way works much , much better and often requires less drugs. Yes I believe some are real cases, but I believe most are parents whom are lazy and/or lack displine and so do their children so they turn to a doctor whom to freely passes out drugs like they are candy. I am a single father, who also works many hours a day. My son would not think of actting as many children do cause he knows their would be a punishment

  3. Before diagnosing a child with this disease, why not try eliminating arttificial food colorings, MSG and preservatives from the diet to see if these are the culprit.

    I know people think I am on an organic soap box, but before putting your family, child, and wallet through all of that testing and pills, why not try the natural cure.  It is hard not to be a lazy parent and avoid the drive-thru, but it can be done, if you really care about your child's health instead of:  "Give me a pill to cure my ill."  

    I believe these children are effected by the chemicals they eat.  I see it everyday at my elementary school.  I even joke around seriously with my students, to PLEASE not eat anything with MSG in it before the state standardized test.

    EDIT:  I just remembered how easy it is to get diagnosed ADD.  I once had a friend in middle school who wanted to get high off Ridalin to lose weight or something, so she read a book about the symptoms, and went in to the Dr. and came out ADD!

  4. Because it's an easy answer to something that people don't want to face up to.

    My brother was the true meaning of ADHD. When on his meds he was a normal little boy but forget one pill..... He would literally climb the walls (not joking). He has since out grown it. Though since I haven't seen him in 8 years I'm not sure how he acts (he's coming home next month so I'll see then)


    One son,Dylan Andrew (3 almost 4), 17 weeks 2 days with #2 (hoping to find out gender July 17th, will it be Rylee Madison or Daniel Orion)

  5. Like you said, its easier to label a kid and put them on drugs than to really take the time to find out what is going on. In kindergarten the teacher and school was trying to tell me my kid was ADHD. He's not. I refused to let him be labelled incorrectly. He's a busy boy who doesn't think before he acts, but its just the way he is. Lots of activity helps, so I try to keep him busy. In first grade he had a great year and it was never mentioned once. I think it had so much to do with the teacher and her style of teaching, punishing, and interacting with him. I think even teachers are too fast to label at times, just so they don't have to "deal" with it anymore. Since when did impulsiveness mean he has a mental disorder? For some kids its legitimate. I just hate seeing people slap a label on someone without taking the time to be sure its accurate.

  6. My children were diagnosed with the same adhd,  but the youngest was the one that was put on ridalin.  I suggest that you get your child tested and if the dr recommends ridalin, ask for the medication that I cannot remember the name of it, but it is a by product of this.  It could also be the lack of discipline.  When your kid does something wrong, maybe try to start putting him in the corner or on the kitchen chair.  It's 1 min per age of the child.  So if you child is 7, he/she is either on the chair or in the corner for 7 minutes.  Change the food that you are giving him/her.  Do not give him/her treats the day you give discipline, it defeats the purpose.
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