
HELP! Am flying to Tenerife Sunday, hotel is 30 miles away from airport, is it cheaper to.......?

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get a cab there, or shall i pay the £92.00 return that the holiday company charge for the transfer to hotel? I dont know if its a rip off or a good deal. Has anyone been to Tenerife and made their own way to the hotel by cab? How much should i pay for a 30mile journey and how do i know im not being ripped off?

I am going to Puerto De Santiago, anyone been there? Please help with the above, thanks in advance people!!!!





  1. Judging my your name I would take the transfer until your luck takes a turn!

  2. It would certainly be cheaper by taxi,than tour operator ,but check the cost with the taxi before you start the journey and establish the price.However if you drive ,check out the car hire prices,i think you will find you can hire a car for a week for about 120 pounds ,which you will have for the duration, and will enable you to see a lot more of the island ,of which theres a lot to see,and driving is easy enough over there .i have been many times ,and would say its well worth doing.

  3. i went to lanzarote and taxis are cheap ish so i imagine tenerife is the same tho' 30 miles will still cost you quite a few euros but should be cheaper than £92 but like the other guy who answered before me they have cheap and regular buses and there is always somebody who will help you out. enjoy your jolly hols


  5. Use taxi`s.Came back last month from tenerife,cost me €16 to Torviscus (about 15 mins).Much cheaper that the quote from your holiday company.Enjoy your holiday.Probably cost you €25-30.

  6. Having lived in Spain and having relatives in Tenerife I would say cab.However,make sure you get a price from the driver before you get in it.They all seem to make their own prices up expecially if you are a foreigner to them and don't know the currency too well. Happy Holiday.

  7. Take a Taxi, they are regulated and don't overcharge. Unfortunately, you are arriving late, therefore you will pay more than in the daytime but it shouldn't be more than about 25-30 euros. Hold onto your hat because they drive almost as fast as the plane that takes you there.

    I arrive on Tuesday. hope we both have good weather. Have a very happy holiday.

  8. What time are you arriving???

    If it's in the day time just get a bus.

  9. Hire a car, its a great island to drive around, very easy to find your eway around. Santiago is on the west side of the island, i would guess you would pay about 45-50 euros in a cab so probably cheaper than booking through the holiday company.  car hire can often be found for about 1 quid a day from lastminute .com so if you can drive have a look at that. Could have a lovely trip up  mount teide after that.....

    Have a great holiday, its a nice place and if you dont have a car there are public trransport buses to take you to las americas from there if you fancy a change.

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