
HELP..Any body over the age of 18 and or if you been pregnant before..Thankz

by  |  earlier

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Well ok be and my girlfriend been tryn to have a baby but every time we have s*x we wait and take home test and it always say not pregnant can any body help me plz help because idk what to do and my girlfriend is starting to get pissed off so am plz any give your best answer that can help me thankz. =)




  1. unwanted pregnancy? have to think what's right and not wthat's you have to responsible enough to face thye know what to do and do it for you and for the little life in you..

  2. You sound young. I recommend you stop trying to get pregnant until you get older and know what you're getting into.

  3. I think it depends how long you wait.

    But you should check at a doctor.

  4. go to a fertility clinic and get some tests done to make sure both of you are fertile...keep an ovulation calendar...and have s*x during her fertile times of the month...  

    best of luck!

  5. It depends on how long you have been trying. If it's been more then a year then I would suggest both of you getting tested. With men it can below sperm count. With women lots of other things. If she has Reg periods are the not reg.  If Not Reg she may have PCOS, which will make it very hard and in some women impossible to get Preg. Get checked.

  6. I checked out your other question, and you're thinking of playing a JV running back - isn't that junior varsity - like 9th or 10th grade.  Well - if you get your girlfriend pregnant, you can forget all about playing sports.  You'll be going off to get a job and probably getting a GED if you're lucky.  No prom, no sports, no activities, no college - just long hours at some menial job, diapers, and middle of the night feedings.  You are so young - you can't be more than 15 otherwise you'd be going for varsity!  Think about birth control, not trying to conceive, and try not to worry about her too much.  A lot of women have trouble conceiving because of irregular periods and anovulatory cycles in their early teens and grow right out of it in their late teens/early 20's.  Nobody will give fertility treatment to someone so young anyway, it is unethical and you need to be at least 18.  Enjoy your youth and worry about having children when you two are no longer children.

  7. 1 - marry her

    2 - she needs to keep track of her ovulation. has an ovulation calendar that makes it easy to do.

    3 - she needs to follow an healthy diet and take prenatal vitamins (yes, even before being pregnant)

    4 - if either of you is smoking - STOP! smoking reduces your sperm count among other things.

    5 - ask her to lie down afterwards for 0.5 hours, slightly raising her pelvic bone on a pillow

    6 - if one of you is on any medication, check with your doctor

    It worked for me: adding healthy oils to my diet (flax seed oil), keeping track of my ovulation calendar and raising my pelvic bone + vitamins

    Good luck

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