
HELP =/??????? BIRD SAD?

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my bird kida died today

and im really upset i was worried about her yesterday becase she was acting verry phsyco she kept slaming her water dish like crazy and was dieing to get out and when i did let her out she flew 2 the other side of the room n made these wird low pitchd noises so i immdetly went and put her back in the chage im just trying to understand why she was acting like this im pretty sure it had something to do with her death also i have 2 other birds who seem fine =( she was my faveorite tho so any answers would be great




  1. she possibly could have been claustrophobic or she wanted to get away from the other birds.i'm so sorry about the bird

  2. aw that is sad...

    i hope u will be happy asap and take good care of ur birds...

    i have been seeing a lot of questions about dying here.....

  3. this may sound awkward but she may have beeen chlosterphobic...(fear of confines spaces)

    and the concussions to her head may have caused brain injuries killeing her

  4. Unfortunately Birds hide their illness very well until it is usually to late for us to do anything. More than likely her behavior was to do with her illness, but take comfort in the fact she got out of her cage and had a last fly before she went. By the sounds of it to, she was very loved .. so her life was probably quality not quantity.

    I hope your sadness quickly moves to happiness knowing you had her in your life for a short time but a good time and I'm sure she will visit your shoulder many times :)  

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