
HELP BUDGIES LEG CUT OFF! with baby sissors!?

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about 1 hour ago my little baby cousin (7) grabbed my budgie and cut her leg off, we bandiged it up and we have taken him to the vet! shes there 4 the nite, i really love pewe, please tell me, ANYTHING, how much u hate my coz, if shes gonna b alright, plz help me, thankyou!




  1. If your bird survives the first 12-24 hour without dieing from blood loss or shock as long as you are able to prevent infection his chances of survival are good.  He can learn to function with only one leg but you will have to make accomidations.  Give him large flat area to perch, small pieces of wire shelving and ferret hammocks are a good choice for this.  If you use any type of cloth make sure to keep his nails trimmed so they don't get caught up in it.   Also you will need to leave his wings unclipped as he will depend on them much more to get from place to place than he did before.   Since his wings will not be clipped you will need to make sure that your house is bird proofed (no fans on, not open containers of liquid (even a glass), no windows or door open, mirrors covered etc when your bird is out of its cage.         In other words he can adept and live a full live but you will have to make accomidations for him.

    As far as your cousin he is far from a baby at 7 and more than old enough to know this is not an acceptable behavior.   This is either a major dicipline problem where this child is completly out of control  or indicative of some type of major psychological problem, or indicative of severe abuse of the child (abused children often act out against the onlything weaker than them which is the pet).  If you suspect abuse then contact Child Protective Services.  If you know the child is completley undiciplined then this is the time to confront the family (there inability to control their child resulted in the cruel maming of your pet).  If you don't think this is a discipline problem the you should recommend they parents get their child counceling.  (If you are younger or unconfortable confronting the parents with the last 2 have an older trusted family member confront them)     Regardless this child should never be trusted around any animal or another child especially younger children as he poses a danger to them.  The parents of this child should also be responsible for any vetinary bills your pet incures as well as anything special you need to purchase to accomidate his disability.  

    Good luck to you and Pewe.

  2. I don't normally advocate hitting a child, but your cousin needs a major, MAJOR whupping right now. And probably some psychiatric help. Your cousin is NOT a "little baby". A 7 year old should definitely know better.

    Your bird will probably live, but she's damaged for life.


  4. Respect for animals is one of the things my kids learn.  At age 7 your cousin deserves severe,  very severe,   punishment.  

    We have a baby african grey and 4 budgies.

    There is nothing anyone can tellyou or help you with. Pray that the life of your little budgie will still be ok. She can no longer perch, one of the biggest pleasures of a bird.

  5. Firstly, don't EVER let your cousin near your pets again. Cat, dog, bird, it doesn't matter. I know seven-year olds, I taught a class of seven-year olds, and if she's seven she's waaay old enough to know better, the adults in charge should've tanned her hide for doing something like that. I would've done it myself, cousin or no. Someone should definitely look into that; she needs help, if she's doing that sort of thing to animals now who knows what she could end up doing to other people when she's older, people who are abusive to other people often abused animals when they were kids.

    If Pewee's at the vet then her chances are pretty good. You can be sure the people there know how special she is and they'll do everything they can to help her. In fact, you can probably call in the next morning and ask them how she's doing. I hope she'll be fine, the poor little bird. :( Now I want to go find a parakeet and cuddle it.

    As a helpful note, if your bird is ever bleeding, try putting flour on the wound; get a shallow dish with plain white cooking flour in it and dip the wound in the flour. It will help stop the bleeding; our vet told us this once after my cockatiel Angel sprained her toe. You can use it for other animals too, like if you clip a cat's claw too short on accident you can dip the end in flour and it will help stop the bleeding.

  6. Your COUSIN IS OUT OF PARENTAL CONTROL,how did he/she get hold of a pair of scissors.

    Your bird will survive if it did not loose much blood.

    Your best bet to help in your birds recovery is to let it have peace and quiet

    As for your Cousin I would not give it house room.keep away from your bird.

  7. OMG! Poor thing....i really sympathise your budgie. I love budgies no matter what.

    Its right to bring it to the vet. SHE WOULD BE FINE AFTER A TREATMENT and don't worry, when sh'es back, make sure you help it around and i think give it some treats.

    DON"T WORRY. A vet knows what to do. :]

  8. that little b*****d needs the **** beat out of his *** omfg cant believe this happined wat a little **** omfg omfg

  9. You need to take her to a vet right now otherwise she will die. There's no other alternative as the wound wont heal, infection will set in. If you can't afford a vet then take her to an  animal welfare/rescue place, they would see you in an emergency to help.

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