My sister got this cat, and she never got her fixed, but would still let her out the door whenever it wanted. Now she just gave birth to 4 baby kittens yesterday, and every time I pick one up I see huge fleas crawling around their little bodies.
I have a cat of my own, so whenever I'm giving her flea baths or flea combing her, or even putting flea med on her I always do it for my sisters cat too. Except when we found out she was prego I didn't think anything except the flea comb was safe to use on her, so even though I argued about her getting out side where she could be exposed to fleas, the cat herself learned tricks on getting out... I don't want her kitten to get all eating up, and scabby, no one wants to take a kitten home that looks half eaten... How can I get rid of the flea pest on them? They are so small of course, and squirm when I pick them up, and trying to comb their fragile bodies is not working... I'm worried..
Please any help would be greatly appreciated!