
HELP!!! Best Answer In 3 Hours!?

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I was supposed to get my period June 7th-10th. I took a pregnancy test the 8th and it came back NEGATIVE. I decided to wait a few more days. On the 10th I started bleeding a little bit-it was pink. It only lasted a day so I waited till 6:35 am on the 19th and took a test but the result was-NEGATIVE again but I still haven't had any sign of a period YET. Whats up? Whats the likely hood I'm prego?




  1. i had a neg and then two barely positive test before i found out i was over a month prego

  2. its better to go to ure doctor

  3. Yes!  I had the same problem last month.  I tested the day of my missed period and got a negative.  I kept testing and it took me until i was 20 days late to get a positive.  I am now 8 weeks pregnant with my third child.  It didnt take this long with my other 2 but for some reason i must have ovulated later than i thought i did.  This is common and as long as your period isnt here than there is definitely a chance!!  Wait it out a few more days and re test.  I really hope you get your BFP soon!!!  Good luck to you!

    Also some women never get positives with HPT's.  You could always schedule an appt with your OB and have a blood test.  It detects HCG at 5 miu.

  4. The chances aren't good since you've had so many negative tests. Anything is possible, go to a doctor, get a blood test, and see what he thinks is going on. When I was trying to concieve I once went three months without a period, and was not pregnant. My doctor gave me some meds to help out. Good luck, and I hope it turns out the way you're hoping!

  5. ok first off you seem a bit stressed and believe me all of us ttc in here are too. However, stress will increase your chances of your period being delayed. If you ovulated later than the average 14 days then this will throw everything off. I have read that it takes 6 days for implantation to occur after conception. The hcg pregnancy hormone does not begin developing until implantation has occured. Therefore, if you ovulated late then there probably isnt enough hcg for a hpt to pick up yet. I would wait a couple more days since this hormone doubles every 2 days and try testing again if you still get a negative then you should consider a blood test because it does sound like implantation bleeding to me. Good luck and definantly let all us other ttc's know.

  6. you might've ovulated late into your cycle, therefore it could be implantation bleeding, but the levels of Hcg aren't high enough for a pregnancy test to pick up yet.  I say wait another week and a half befoer u retest, but in the meantime call ur doctor maybe they can take a blood test or do an ultrasound.  Good luck and baby dust!

  7. I think you should contact youre obgyn and get a blood test.

  8. If you still haven't gotten your period and your pregnancy tests are negative, I'd call your doctor. There are other reasons to miss your period like stress or a hormonal imbalance. But there is always the chance that you are getting false negatives. I'd schedule a blood test to be done at your GP's office and go from there.

  9. Could be implantation bledding make sure you are de-stressed and then get a blood test maybe the urin tests can't pick it up...

    Best of Luck

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