okay I'm totally new to this bird issue. I don't know what to do . Okay firstly I have Edward, (male) and Sky ( i'm guessing female.. so far. it looks like it ..its only 5 months.). So i got edward at a pet store i supose he's almost 2??. yea i know big mistake he is the most unfriendly budgie. He WAS used to my hands and would eat from it and when needed he'd come crawling to me ( i clipped his wings before and he would only skip around and fly rarely) and sat around on my hand , Now..... i got sky as COMPANY. also from a petstore IT is supposedly now 5 months?!. so yes I did the whole process of 30days different rooms, and then they were next to each other seperate cages!! and they were friendly enough. it seemed. anyways was lonely for about 4 months ,so when we got sky he was very happy , sky on the other hand had been away from bird civilization for about 30days so it wasn't much of a deal .. . edward likes to peck / bump his beak with sky's , they feed each other. . . , and scratch thier necks , . . story would supposedly was going well until i was awoken by my sister that sky was shrieking like it was dying. So i come flying in and see sky huddled in a corner and edward taking steps closer and closer and then they both started shrieking and lashing out at each other. edward bites sky and sky flaps then attacks back . i seperated them for the night. and i put them back together and same thing edward always starts it. so once again they are seperated. BUT edward is clinging to the bars of the cage and trying to get out. which i have never seen him do EVER! since he has gotten here.!!! but when he out he flys to skys cage goes in and sits there and flys at sky.! i don't get it .. . .. will i have to seperate them forever???????? please ANY ADVICE. ANY AT ALL will help!!!!