
HELP! Can any one help?

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My daughter has been sick almost since birth! We were told acid reflex and so we switched her to enfamil ar and zantac and she was still sick all the time throwing up and throwing up and not gaining any weight and was not sleeping much. Her doc kept saying she was fine so we switched to a new doctor. She thinks she has a milk allergy so she switched her to Alimentum similac and prilosec but she couldn't take the prilosec the new formula helped a lot but she still gets a belly ache and the only way to calm her down is to hold her on her belly. but i cant take her crying in pain all the time, and my arms are going to fall off. It breaks my heart to see her in pain. I have been on the phone everyday with the doctors and it just feels like a lot of people don't understand...does ANY one out there understand? been through it? I mean now she almost throws up but it hurts to she holds her breath and turns bright red and will do it a few times in a row and it scares me. Thank you everyone for your time!




  1. If your baby has colic most likely she will be crying no matter what you do, that doesn't mean you have to listen to it, break out the MP3 player and pop on some headphones while your little one is wailing, you may have to turn up the volume really high tho! If you have to hold her on her belly have you tried putting her over your knees or laying her belly to belly on your stomach while sitting or laying down? It will give your arms a break. Keep on top of your doctor about it, if you think there's still something wrong ask for a referal to a specialist. I know MANY moms who have been told by doctors that their baby is fine and they're just being hyper vigilant only to find out something is seriously wrong. Colic sucks but you just have to get through it without going nuts. Call everyone you know and ask them to come over even if its just to hang out at your house, it's easier if you're not alone and there's another set of hands. Just try lots of different things and find out what will soothe your baby best! Good luck and just keep going!

  2. All 3 of my kids had acid reflux when they were babies, lots of baby puke.  We switched formulas to find one that limited the number of times they were puking.  With my last one, we switched her to Enfamil AR and mixed in rice cereal, which did help a lot.  The AR stands for acid reflux and the rice cereal is supposed to help thicken it up in order to keep it in the stomach.  With all of my kids, as soon as they turned one and we began switching from formula to milk, the puking stopped.  It was just something we learned to deal with, kept burp cloths handy and tried to keep bibs on them as much as possible.

  3. Both my children have had reflux and you need to have meds to help rather than continually changing formula.

    Domperidone, Ranitatine and infant gaviscon powder are all suitable for reflux (my kids had all 3), also, you need to change to a thick formula - omneo comfort or a hungry baby formula work quite well.

    Also, you need to prop the babies head up when they are  lay down, so put a pillow under the matress to raise it up as it stops the acid from coming back up!

    Reflux is a pain in the **** but its something that you learn to 'manage' and once your babies reflux muscle has strengthened it wont be an issue anymore - usually this is by the time they are 1 yrs old!

  4. i will tell you my opinion and then what happen to us if you want to read.

    it does sound like a sever case of acid reflux, but you need to be sure. you need to demand you see a pediatric G.I. if you dont feel comfortable with your current ped. find a new one. they obvisoly arent listening to you if they haven't done any tests and are just switching formula. try adding cereal to her bottle. a lot of cereal. one tablespoon per ounce. it will help the formula actually stick to her tummy, but be vigilant of her diapers. this can also stop her up.

    here was our situation:

    projectile vomit

    classified by ped. as "failure to thrive"

    didnt gain weight for two months

    Here is what we did:

    no one listened to me. so we went to 4 different doctors. two said happy spitter and over paranoid mother. 1 agreed something was wrong but military insurance is a crock of c**p. last one agreed and pushed for our son to be seen by a pediatric G.I.

    so we drove three hours to the children's hospital. where our son had a few xrays, barium test and blood test to rule out food allergies.

    our son was switched to alimentum with one tablespoon of cereal added per ounce. double to dosage of zegrid a normal adult gets and weight checks every week.

    the blood tests showed he wasn't allergic to milk and soy, but sensitive. he also cant eat anything orange or yellow, makes him throw up more.

    now he is doing great.

  5. Have you asked for an ultra sound for the baby? Maybe that would be a good place to start. My girlfriends 2 babies had pyloric stenosis, mind you more common in boys but could be in girls as well.

    It could just be acid reflux but I am surprised you haven't had an ultrasound as of yet. Poor thing, I hate hearing of babies in pain.

  6. I would find a specialist for your Daughter. If you can't find a Pediatrician to help you, this is when you need to find a Specialist. Search the net for Specialists in your area. Your Daughter should not have to go through the first 12 months of her life in suffering pain. She may require surgery in her tummy to fix whats going on. Do whats best for her and get her to someone who is willing to get her all better!

    Lots of luck and prayers to you and your baby girl.  

  7. Sounds like my son!! I tried 3 different peditricans! Every doctor blew me off. Finally he stopped breathing, turned blue, I called 911. They resusited him in the living room. Only after spending 35 days in the pediatric ICU did we get all the answers we needed.

    Reflux is the most common diagnoses in infants. Regular peditricans arent QUALIFED to diagnose SEVERE acid reflux(which is called GERD). Drugs like zantac or prilosec aren't going to help eaither. You need to see a Pediactric GI Specialist and try stronger medicine like Reglen.

    Also your baby MUST have an extensive allergy test done. Peditricans switch babies formula without actually investigating WHAT the REAL allergy is. My son needed Nutramigen, the same as Alimentum. He had problems with milk proteins because of how painful his GERD was!

    My son would scream 16 hrs straight because the pain GERD caused. It took ending up in the ICU to get answers. It was a horrifying experience.

    Also, if baby isnt gaining weight here is the best way to avoid failure to thrive (FTT is what a baby is labeled if weight gain is continually a problem) thicken the formula with OATMEAL cereal (just one tablespoon, rice cereal will cause constipation) and add an extra half scoop (or an extra whole scoop if baby is REALLY underweight) to increase the caliores.

    Good luck! If no one listens go to the ER. You NEED a diagnoses.

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