
HELP!!! Can carpet beetles travel with you when moving???

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We have a carpet beetle infestation. (two kinds varied and black)...gross...the place was sprayed by an exterminator using Demand CS and also fogged....we were so digusted by this that we have decided to move....some larval casings were found on the undrside of some of our furniture.....we have vacuumed all of the furniture VERY well and sprayed it w/ lysol (not sure this does anything except make me feel better.) We have litterally checked every item in the house and have laundered/ dry cleaned all our clothes and linens. We aired out all of our suitcases and there a possiblility of transfering the infestation to our new place? Someone with experience please help!!




  1. you should be fine, just keep an eye on things.

  2. yes they can travel in your close , any thing , just keep spraying , you may have carried some eggs with you

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