
HELP!!! Child Support and Child Custody case.....????

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I want to put my ex on child support. He left me when I was 3 months saying I HAD to get an abortion of he'd leave. Since she was born he has only seen her three times and that was because I went to his job. She is eight months almost nine. He only comes if he wants to get some......from me. Which is highly unlikely so he never comes. He has other girls on the side that he gives all his money too but he doesn't support his daughter. He always says I should of gotten an abortion.

I want to put him on CS but he said if I do he is going to try and take her from me. I don't have a job and I still live with my family. Does that mean he will be able to have her? I get money from my old job that layed me off. I am 20 he is 22. He has an apartment and a Navagator truck. He has two jobs and goes to school. He says he wants to ruin my life because I ruined his. WHAT DO I DO????!!!




  1. He is bluffing.  He can't really do anything you mentioned.  You need to hire an attorney.  You will have to agree to a custody arrangement as well as support paid by him for your daughter.  His wages can be garnished for support.

  2. Honey--go to your local child support enforcement agency and get him to pay for his kid! WHICH HE NEEDS TO DO!! You can also go to your local courthouse and take our an emergency custody action on him--the judge can sign it that day with enough proof from you that he will try to take your child from you and endanger you or your child. You will have to go back to court after that to allow him to tell his side, but at least you have that protection. And if he is a danger to you--take out a restraining order--the judge can sign it for up to a year!

    You have the right and the responsibility to protect your child!! Never forget that!!

  3. Consult with a laywer.

    You should get money from him if he is the father.  They will do a paternity test and then if he won't pay, they'll garnish his wages.  He can try and get custody if the child is determined to be his, which is why you need to consult a lawyer, but it sounds as if he is just trying to scare you into leaving him alone.  Lawyer, lawyer, lawyer!  And Good Luck.

  4. Get a lawyer and proceed to take him to court. You shouldn't lose custody of your child. He left you and has made no attempts to see the child or any effort to help support the child ether. If he is working two jobs then that will allow you more child support. You will get 1/3 of his pay plus he will have to pay for the insurance also. Don't wait get a lawyer and get what your entitled to.

  5. you will be able to get child support.Get it while this man got a job!My dad paid child support for 8 years than lost his job.And you will get more because he has two jobs.

  6. buy him a packet of condoms and tell him to grow up!!! No court in the world would take a child off their mother just because the father has a higher paid job or most kids would be with their fathers.

    You have nothin to worry about hun x x

  7. Ask yourself this question: do you want Your daughter around someone who didn't want her to exist? By opening up a child support case, You will able him to have access to you daughter. Now, Instead of dwelling what he has and what you don't, do something about it. Your young, obviously you have your family's support. Go back to school, get an education not for you, but for your daughter. Show her, she has a strong mommy and you are all she needs. He is not worth your time or effort. He will never change and no matter what you do, you cannot force him to step up to the plate. Admit it, He was only a donor and will probably never be a daddy.

  8. Well starting child support case against him does not mean that he has any right to take your daughter from you. I have been there as well and done that! Start the case against him and then write EVERYTHING down, I mean every phone call house visit and encounter you have with him or his family. He can hire a lawyer and request custody, however without abuse of some sort he is highly unlikely to get sole custody. He does have a chance of getting joint custody, but given the age of your child, most judges will find that right now it is best of the baby to remain with the mother full time with court appointed visitation for the father. I will say however the likelihood of him actually going through all that is very slim. He is most likely just saying this to you to scare you from filing a case against him. Dont be afraid of a good mother to your daughter and get the help you deserve from her father.

    I know how emotional things can get but take it from me, its mostly a mind game they play with you. If he really wanted your daughter than he wouldnt be the absentee father he is currently is!! Stand strong and do what you need to do to take care of that lil one!

    Best of Luck - now go get that child support!!


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