
HELP! DUMB question!?

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ok i want some freckles how can i get them how long should i stay out in the sun how will they come? please answer i need this i want them on my nose




  1. lol.

    i dont think u can get them.. i think ur just born with them?

    but i can b rong?


  2. Ha!

    Yeah I agree with this other girl! Draw them! =]

    Why would u want freckles?! =/

  3. ...draw some on there

  4. freckles are sun damaged skin that babys get, You get them as a child when your skin is most senstive... you cant get them now, all you can do is yell at your parents for keeping you covered up as a baby

  5. Biology

    Freckles can be found on anyone no matter the background, however, having freckles is genetic and is related to the presence of the dominant melanocortin-1 receptor MC1R gene variant.[1] The formation of freckles is triggered by exposure to sunlight. The exposure to UV-B radiation activates melanocytes to increase the melanin production, which causes freckles to become darker.

    Freckles are predominantly found on the face, although they may appear on any skin exposed to the sun. Freckles are rare on infants, and more common on children before puberty; they are less common on adults.

    Upon exposure to the sun, freckles will reappear if they have been altered with creams or lasers and not protected from the sun, but do however fade with age in some cases. Freckles are not a skin disorder. People with freckles usually have a lower concentration of photoprotective melanin and are therefore more susceptible to the harmful effects of UV-radiation. An overexposure of UV-radiation should be avoided. Sunscreen has been suggested. [2] [3] [4]

    [edit] Types of freckles

    Ephelides is a genetic trait. It’s used to describe a freckle that is flat, light brown or red, and fades in the winter. Ephelides are more common in those with light complexions and with the regular use of sunblock, can be suppressed.

    Liver spots (also known as sun spots and Lentigines) are freckles that sometimes do not fade in the winter. Rather, they form after years of exposure to the sun. Lentigines are more common in older people.

  6. your gonna get skin cancer if you TRY to get freckles. like your cant TRY to you either have them or you dont.

  7. you can borrow some of mine.. ill fedex them over! lmao

  8. Hey there again,Amanda Grace.  Once again,It is a pleasure to meet you.....again.  :D  You want some freckles now?  Babe,I don't think you can get freckles from laying out in the sun.  And I'm afraid the only thing the sun will give your nose is a nasty burn.  You don't want that,Do you?  Say if some handsome boy comes up to you and wants to kiss you there.  It would not feel too good.  My advice is that you don't attempt to get these freckles.  Your nose is just perfect without em'.  Freckles are overrated anyway.  Look at me,I have no freckles and I'm perfectly fine with it.  Amanda,What you should do is just keep your nose the way it is.  I'm sure it looks as cute as a button.  Take good care of it,Alright?  If you go out in the sun,Make sure you take some zinc to cover your nose.  Babe,I've gotta split.  I'm very sorry bout this.  :(  Hopefully,I'll have the pleasure of meeting you sometime.  You have a goodnight and God bless.  Bye for now.
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