
HELP! Daughter Cut Herself...?

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My 13-year old daughter cut a smiley face on her arm because she was "bored". After questioning her further, she said she wanted a "cool scar" (she watches a lot of the Discovery Channel and is fascinated with keloids (raised scars) and tattoos).

Should I take her to therapy now or wait to see if another mark appears? Also, any websites you can recommend about this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.




  1. I would talk to your daughter about it a little more and find out if there's something else going on.  But yes I would take her to a therapist, and if possible try to find one who knows about "cutting."  Get her help ASAP, even if this was the first time.  Also try not to react to it.  In other words don't yell at her, but also don't baby her.  Talk to her in a normal tone and make her aware that it's not okay.

    Even if she's not a "cutter" (someone who uses physical pain to deal with mental/emotional pain) that's not "normal."  It's possible she just did it for attention, but even if that's the case she needs some help.

    If the cut isn't serious (i.e. needing immediate medical attention) I would try to schedule an appointment with her peditrician/family doc so they're aware of the situatition and very possibly be able to point you in the right direction.

    Cutting can be very addicting and most people treat cutters as if they're only doing it to get attention.  The reality is that most are very good at hiding the cuts so they don't have to deal with the looks of disgust from others.  But like I said even if she isn't a cutter she needs help because this is not health behavior.

    Here's a couple websites that will hopefully better explain it:  -basic overview of what self-injury is and futher resources listed at the bottom of the page   -more info on what self injury is and also has resources for treatment options  -more info but also provides info for friends and families of cutters

    FYI self injury is just cutting it also includes: burning, scratching, picking at your skin, not letting wounds heal, etc.

  2. yea, i would definitely suggest that she get some therapy... maybe you could also consult with her doc and see if he/she would suggest that she be put on medication and watch over her like a hawk.. one of my closest childhood friends did this once, and no one did anything... needless to say, she's not here with me anymore, but i would definitely go the route with therapy, medication, and very close observation. hope that this can help you out.

  3. I don't think that it is boredom.A lot of teens might claim that to cover up for the real reason.Most kids when they are bored will call a friend or something.Do you spend enough time with her?Is she saved and accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior?Maybe she is lonely and maybe because of her loneliness is why she is so bored.Maybe you should observe your daughter more.Not spy on her but just observe how she acts.It plays a big role.Has she been depressed lately?Has she been acting differently lately?Those are things that you should observe.I think that you should pray for her ultimately.GOD can solve this.That's the best thing that you can do.You can take her to therapy if needed because it seems that she has some unreleased feelings that she is not letting out.Do you and her get along or talk much?If you don't then you might want to set her down and talk to her and see if there is anything wrong.If you think that taking her to therapy will help then take her but still pray for her.Talk to her.See if anything is wrong when you talk to her.Talk to her calmly too.Don't be too pushy.Communicate with her.I hope that I helped.So may GOD BLESS you!

  4. I wouldn't necessarily send her to therapy after a one time thing.

    Once my friends and I carved names of a boy band into our legs in middle school. I was about her age. It wasn't about hurting myself, it was just something we all did. Nothing really behind it. I however, continued self injuring. No one else did. I'd just keep an eye on it. If she continues, definately talk to her about therapy. But I don't think you should yet.

    Here's a really good site for info about SI (self-injury):

    Good luck.

  5. First things first and that's to see a Dr. for possible side effects, he may even prescribe antibiotics.  This behavior could lead to series infections or even worse blood poisoning. She probably doesn't even know how serious infections and blood poisoning can be if not caught in time. Some cases had to have amputation or worst cases death. The Dr. will advise you and recommend the next step to take regarding this very serious issue.

    Your welcome and please don't wait.

    Wish you both the best.

  6. Yikes.

  7. I LOLD

  8. No.


    Wait until she starts branding her own face with kitchen utensils heated on the stove.

  9. defintaly therapy

  10. Take her to a phycologist.Don't let her watch her watch D.C.  any more I think there is a show on there about a tatoo place.The phycologist will know what to do.And might even perscibe something for her.She also might be going through a stage.Usally teenagers go through a punk stage.But send her to a skrink fast.

  11. you really need to talk to her. she might think its "cool" to cut herself. tell her she shouldn't do it and not hang out with people that do. she could get blood poisoning or get sick. you should also talk to a doctor.

  12. Take her now her fascination is harmful try to interest her in anything else sewing sports etc. if she is a loner get her a pocket pet gerbil hamster etc. gerbils with cage that has tubes she can arrange and fiddle with might give her an outside focus ? is she of the high I.Q.

    group my son is very intuitive and his brain/ curiosity leave him trying the strange and unusual I have to occupy his brain or he will not wisly dispite his 180 i.q. good luck keep a close eye on her she may not have a problem yet you should remind her that staff germs and the like can lead to loss of body parts or life

  13. A large number of suggestions, weblinks, and hotlines may be found in section 16, on self harm, at Therapy is always advisable in such situations, as there may be more to it than just being bored: do any of her friends self harm, as well?

  14. i think therapy would be the best thing

  15. h**l no.

    im 13 and if my parents sent me to a therapist 2 years ago,i would run awayy.

    dont send her to therapy for that.

    if she cuts herself because she is depressed and does not have anyyone to talk out her problems with,like i was,than take her.

    but it sounds to me she did it cuz it looks cool.

    explain ta her that u do not feel comfortable with her doing that.

    if u tell her not tto just off the bat,most likely she will scream back  that its her body.

    good luck

  16. first of all take her to her doctor and ask the doc. about child therapy and get her a tetanus shot., and stop watching those tabo shows.

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