I just need some advise. I have an almost 5 year old that lives with me and my hubby full time. He has 2 other children (8-10) the R w/ us everyother weekends & alot more during the summer. (we are also expecting in 6 weeks) I am a very strict parent. It's how I was raised. I have rules that I feel should be obeyed at all times..(ie: no caffiene, no eating in the front room, no new toys til the others are put away, and you do your chores B4 play time etc..NOT DIFFICULT right?) Well my problem is that Keiley does these things but the boys don't follow the rules AT ALL when they are here. When I get mad or try to discipline them Shawn backs THEM up and totally overrides what I say saying "they are only here 2 weekends out of the month so I feel bad for getting mad" THEY ARE 8-10 YEARS OLD!!!!! My 4 year old gets in trouble when she misbehaves & I back Shawn up 100%! He babies his boys ESPECIALLY the 8 yr old who has some serious attitude. It's causing problems w/ us, and I need help!