
HELP Ear Piercing???

by  |  earlier

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i got my ear pierced 5 weeks ago and today i took out my stud to replace it with another earring. When i tried to put my new earring in my ear started to bleed a little bit and hurt so i just cleaned the hole and left it open. Is anything wrong?




  1. Clean your ear with the alcohol solution they gave you. Was the new earring gold, silver, nickel etc. It's possible that your earring wasn't ready to be taken out yet. I would put the original earring back in to prevent your hole from closing overnight which it probably will. Just don't touch it or take it out for another few weeks, if the bleeding continues then take it out and put a bandaid on it and see a doctor.  

  2. no, it might do that for a while nothing is wrong =] i have had my ears peircedtwo times and it happend to them plz answer mine?!?!;...

  3. try dipping the pointy end of your earing into neo-sporn.

    then put your earing in and go about your day.

    the medicine will heal it.. but the earing will help it so that it doesnt close up.!


  4. actually nothing is wrong i had my ears pierce like at 3 or 5 and i remember that i would wash my ear gently every day. but the only thing i didn't do is change my earring. i didn't change my earring after a month or so though.    

  5. You tried to change the jewelry too soon. If you're getting bleeding after 5 weeks, there is something wrong with the healing.

    What type of jewelry did you have in? You need to have implant grade steel, titanium or high quality quartz or pyrex for fresh piercings. Gold, silver or costume jewelry is no good for fresh piercings.

    If you've left the jewelry out for a while now, you're going to have to get it re-pierced. Make sure you go to a reputable piercing studio that uses needles, not a gun. They will give you high quality jewelry and proper aftercare instructions.

  6. it's okay. nothings wrong. when i first got my ears pierced the same thing happened to me. i think its just because your skin is sensitive and not use to the whole yet. but itll get better. i think for me, it stopped like after a month or two. but put earings back in, because since its a new hole, it might close up if you leave it alone for too long!
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