
HELP!!!! Every parent out there, I am begging you to read this.

by  |  earlier

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Please read my last question....I still need help and it's been 30 min's. I'm going crazy!! Everybody that has answered so far has been great, but I still don't really know what to do....;_ylt=AsgQXmeGtW2KKP1U4F.xvF_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080810215531AASQcJ0




  1. Is there a nightlight in their room? My 8 month old will not sleep unless the room is lit up, so I have a few in her room.  Also what about a mobile? Really the only thing you can do is try to calm him, maybe a pacifier, or rocking him to sleep would help.

  2. OK

  3. Ok, I do my best


  4. think of this way if you can let him cry it out tonight and probably tomorrow night, the time he is crying will get less and less when he knows mom isnt coming in to get him.

    after the initial days it takes for him to realize you are not coming in, then he will stop.

    The cry it out method may seem harsh but if you think about the fact he may cry really hard for a few days but after that there should be no crying again. it is over. your other child can sleep and you can sleep!

  5. Oddly enough, listening to Frank Sinatra worked for my daughter. I definately believe in the Crying it out method, but just like you, I hated having to do it.  I found that by puting on some Frank, it made her quiet down and pass out. She is now 8 and still remembers the songs when she hears them

  6. I know it sucks, but the crying it out method does work. Plus, if you run to him everytime he cries, he is just going to continue to do cry because he knows you will come.

    As far as the two of them sleeping in the same room. Why not let your daughter fall asleep in your room. She can either sleep there for a few nights, while you work with your son. Or once your son is asleep, you can carry her to her bed.

    Just relax, everything will be fine :)

  7. every baby is different. Do what is right for both of you.

  8. ok, i am just looking at it now but i am not a parent...

  9. First of all, you have to calm down..the screaming & crying is just temporary and though it's natural for every parent to feel frazzled when their child cries just remember it is a natural response for the child.

    Next, no matter what anyone else says, an 8 month old can be spoiled by holding them too much.  According to WIC, they suggest that you DO NOT use rocking, swings, or bottles to put your child to sleep.  They have to learn to put themselves to sleep.  

    Before bedtime make sure she's full, give her a warm bath and read to her. Once you know she is ready to sleep from her showing signs (yawning, rubbing eyes, fussing) lay her down, in her own bed-not yours.  Also try putting one of your soft t-shirts in bed with her.  She can smell your scent on it and it might give her comfort to smell you with her.  

    Once you have put her down, let her cry for 10 minutes, if after 10 minutes she is still fussing rub her back but DO NOT pick her up.  Keep doing this over & over and she WILL eventually fall asleep.

    IT DOES WORK, you just have to stick with it and be consistent and RESIST the urge to give in and pick her up.  Every time you give in and pick her up your taking two steps backwards because she knows her cries makes you give into what she wants.

    If the crying wears on your nerves, wear earplugs but watch the clock and don't leave her alone for more than 10 minutes.

    I would put the 8 month old in your room in a portable crib so the crying doesn't bother your other child.

  10. go take care of your kid and get off the d**n computer!

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