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can i keep 3 tiger barbs together and none will get hurt or should i just get 1 alone? i dont know im just wondering and can somebody name a good kids fish except for betta and goldfish and fun to watch too!




  1. 6 or none, they are schooling fish. If you cannot have 6 then do not have any.  There are lots of good fish, but kids or not that does not change the care needed for any fish they all have to be fed, and given clean water ect...but gourami's, Platy's, guppies, tetras, danios, they list is endless, but will be hard to give you a clue without knowing what size tank you have. all theses will need at least 30 gallons.  

  2. i have 4 of them in a single tank, a 20g so id say its ok if you get 3

    a good fish thats fun to watch are tetras, and also most kids love crustaceans, so you can buy fiddler crabs for about $3 each at petco, or you could look around for crayfish at stores, or even catch some if you have a river or stream with them near you, you can even hand feed crayfish and its fun to watch them eat

  3. Hi,

    Tiger barbs are schooling fish so it's best to keep them in groups of five or more. It's actually more common for them to become aggressive when they are kept in few numbers than that.

    As for fish that are good for children, I would suggest something a small, hardy species that doesn't need too much attention. Some good ideas are Zebra Danios (very active pretty fish that are fun to watch), Guppies (all kinds of gorgeous assorted colors), Platys or Mollies (especially balloon mollies are very cute).

    Those are all small fish that do best in groups. They can housed in a tank as small as 10 gallons, very very peaceful fish, and do well just being fed once a day with flake food (dried blood worms are also a nutritious treat and supplement that they love). The Platys and Mollies are a tad bigger than the others, so if  you put them in a 10 gallon it would be best to keep them strictly at 5 or less.

    Someone above me suggested a Gourami. I would advise against that b/c although they are generally a peacefull fish, some of them can become aggressive depending on their tank mates and particular temperment. Also, Dwarf Gouramis are prone to illness such as ulcers which can infect your whole tank!

  4. Tiger barbs are schooling fish and do best with at least 6.  They may argue with each other, but with no real injuries.  The size of the fish tank affects which fish do best - or that you have room for.  I personally would never recommend a tank smaller than 10 gallons (the filter helps enormously).  For beginners, I would recommend live bearers (guppies, platies -  note: may be best to avoid mollies as they get huge).   danios are peaceful and never stop moving and VERY hardy (I think they would survive a lethal injection...).  Most live bearers and danios are very active and entertaining to watch.  There are many kinds of danios - zebra, a gold variety of the zebra, leopard, Orange hatchetfsih, and many others.

    Many of the hardier barbs would be great - gold barbs, cherry barbs (I personally avoid tiger barbs as they are just too nippy for my community tank).

    Many of the more active fish are schooling fish which require (depending on the species) a group of about 6 to be happy.

    So here is a list of good fish for kids and/or beginners:

    Danios (any variety), Guppies, Platies, Gold barbs, Harlequin Rasbora, swordtail.

    Or if you like, just go down to the fish store and look around for ideas - many employees are knowledgeable and can help.

    Good Luck!!!

  5. i would rather you not i have had many tiger barbs and the bigger ones would fight the smaller ones and they would eventually die so unless the fish are the same size or you will have ALOT of tiger barbs in the same tank like a pet store has them i wouldnt do that

  6. Good Kid Fish: Fancy guppies, platies, mollies, swordtails, gourami.

    Tiger barbs like to be in groups.  They do have a habbit of nipping the long fins of other fish but this can be reduced by getting a bigger school. I suggest 6+

    Good luck!

  7. You really should get three however one can be kept alone.

    If you already have barbs you know that they are cold water fish, so adding tropicals like mollies or swordtails won't work with barbs.  Keep to the cold water with the cold water or all tropicals.  Here is a list that barbs will go with that make good kid friendly fish.

    Barbs - Several readily available species of Barbs are tolerant of temperatures in the sixties, or even lower. easy to care for,  suitable for a community aquarium. These are:  Rosy Barb (Barbus conchonius) Gold Barb (Barbus schuberti),  Green Barb (Barbus semifasciolatus), Two Spot Barb (Barbus ticto).

    Bloodfin Tetra - Both the standard Bloodfin (Aphyocharax anisitsi), and the False Bloodfin (Aphyocharax dentatus) tolerate temperatures in themid sixties.  are easy to care for, and are quite hardy.

    Buenos Aires Tetra (Hemigrammus caudovittatus) -  they do well with temperatures mid sixties. Standard varietiesand albinos  

    Croaking Tetra (Coelurichthys microlepis) - easy to care for and are suitable for community tanks.

    Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) - many attractive variations

    Hillstream Loach es -  Not all of them like cool temperatures, but do well with temperatures in the upper sixties.

    Native Fish - A variety of North American native fish . Virtually all of them tolerate cool water. Availability varies from state to state, as do laws regarding which species may be legally kept in home aquariums. Keep in mind that some will become too large to keep in a standard aquarium.

    Pearl Danio (Brachydanio albolineatus) - Like the zebra danio, this fish is very hardy and easy to care for. It will tolerate temperatures into the mid 60's without difficulty, and is easy to find. They are larger than zebras, but need not be kept in schools.

    Weather Loach (Misgurnus angullicaudatus) Can do well with temps in the fifties, and it makes an excellent candidate for a coldwater tank.

    Wimple (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) Freshwater Batfish. This is a unique fish to have. mid sixties.

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow (Tanichtys albonubes) - Easy fish to care for.

    Zebra Danio (Brachydanio rerio)  mid sixties, and are very easy to care for. Long finned species are available, as well as a popular leopard spotted variety.

    ide or orfe, Leuciscus idus Great for outdoor ponds when you can find them

    Red tail sharks if keeping the water below 78

    Good luck with your cold waterThere are many other coldwater species I could cover, but the above list should give you enough options to get started. Good luck with your coldwater aquarium

  8. Depends on the size of your tank. Tiger barbs are aggressive fish as you seem to know. I would say one alone. I would also get some corydoras, 3 or more. They are rather funny little catfish that like to chase each other and play.  

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