
HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Freshman in Highschool?

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I am going in to gr 9 high school. I will be a freshman. I am scared of the upper class because when i was in gr 7 (freshman of middle school) i got humiliated a lot. Also I'm only 163 cm tall. I am very short guy so I'm afraid of other big people bumping in to me etc. I had 4 really good friends but 3 of them are going to a dif school and the other 1 i didn't even get in touch with him once over the summer break. I want to make a lot of friends in high school, i am planning to join clubs basketball and soccer. I also really want to make some close girl friends (not dating, just friends)

Any help?




  1. hit the gym and build sum muscle. then be friendly and carismatic and you will have no problem. also about your height dont worry since you will grow. :) enjoy high school!

  2. I'm going into grade nine too and (even though I'm a girl) I can only say; when you're walking down halls don't look down at the floor or act intimidated, act like you belong there. Also be open and friendly towards people in an accepting type of way. People will feel comfortable around you if you have a friendly smile on your face and don't run from your own shadow. I hear grades 9 and 12 are supposed to be the best years in highschool. So good luck! :)

  3. You'll be fine, don't worry! High school isn't as scary as it seems. I am currently a senior in high school, however, when I was going into my freshman year my brother gave me some of the best advice I have ever gotten, and that was to join a team. It's a great way to meet new people who have the same interests in you. You can also make friends with some upperclassmen this way and they can show you around and introduce you to new people.

    Don't worry, freshman year is fun, just enjoy it.

  4. dont be anyone you arent


    have a 'take it or leave it i could care less' kinda attitude.. but not in a snobboy bratt sorta way

  5. high school aint that bad. people matured but try not to be afraid and dont be the quiet guy in the back try to talk alot but not too much and associate urself with people too. ur in sports thats good people respect u when ur an athlete. u will be fine.

  6. People shouldn't really pick on you unless you make yourself an outsider by acting like they will and acting afraid of them.  Most people care too much about what's going on with them to worry about you.  Just be yourself and things will happen for you.  Also, being outgoing helps.

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