
HELP!!! Guy problems.?

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I'm 16 and still in high school. I have this friend who i am madly in love with but he only wants to be friends. The thing is he knows i like him and we seem to be falling apart which i don't want to happen. What should i do to get him back as my friend.




  1. Never, ever, try to convince somebody to love you. Move on.  

  2. If you want that to happen you have to be willing to accept the fact that he doesn't like you the same way and assure him you only want to be his friend and no more than that.   You are going to have to move on and eventually get over him so you can be his friend.  What he's doing right now is actually for you,  he's distancing himself from you so you don't fall for him any more than you already have so you don't get false hope that you guys will end up together.  Don't feel bad though you are only 16 you have years to find the one you are meant to be with so don't take it so harshly.  Just focus on your schooling,  trust me you don't stay in touch with everyone from school once you graduate.  But your education from high school can affect your future big time...

  3. Try being more of a friend i really don't know what to tell you to do well i do i just don't know how to put it in words. Sorry.

  4. stop thinking about the fact that he knows that you like him, and go back to acting the way that you were before he found out. You may think that you have not changed the way that you act,, but I bet that you have and that change has freaked him out. Treat him like your brother or something,, make him a friend again in your eyes.. let the past go.

  5. talk to him

  6. There are many many guys out there and you are only 16. You are going to meet many many guys who like you back for you. You won't have to convince them. It should come naturally.

  7. ask hem if he don't want to be friends no more and that all
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