
HELP HELP HELP!! Can Maggots KILL Rabbits??

by  |  earlier

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urgent please help =[




  1. YES. I had a friend who lost a beloved bunny to maggots. Clean the bunny and the cage thoroughly and rush the rabbit to the vet IMMEDIATELY!!

  2. yes they can  it is called fly strike, it is a common problem with sheep and rabbits with long hair, if your bunny has a dirty bum then the flies will lay their eggs around the bum area, and when they hatch they can eat into your rabbit, if your rabbit has fly strike you need to clean the rabbits bottom and get rid of all the maggots, keep the area clean with warm water but do not cover the infected area, take your rabbit to a vet for a course of antibiotics and the rabbit should be fine, but leave it and your rabbit could be at risk, hope everything works out best of luck

  3. I don't think so. I don't know if it's good, so phone your vet and find out.

  4. I don't think the maggots will "eat him alive in hours". Sure it's def. not good for him.  Maggots eat decaying matter and uh..p**p.  try givin bunny a bath and clean cage REAL good.

  5. They are not good. Take your bunny to the vet to cure it. Maggots prob mean somethings realy wrong with your bun. Like if it has an open wond.

  6. YES..

    the problem is called FLY STRIKE

    its from flies laying eggs on a bunnies dirty bottom

  7. From what I have read flies are attracted to pooey bums, lay their eggs which hatch into flesh eating maggots which can kill the bunny in a few hours.

    This info was from a previous post on this subject.

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