

by  |  earlier

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ok so i was looking at my rat as he was being cute today and i noticed a bit of blood(yet blood not porpherin)on his i looked at it and it was a cut..ok so now I'm freaked out thinking why the heck my rat has got a cut on his shoulder and where it came from in his cage...then i fount one behind his ear and another one on his shoulder and one on his lower tummy...why would he have these sores on him and why would they be bleeding???....he does not have fleas or mites..or anything like that he is very healthy please help he is like my baby




  1. uhh this might be even worser but i tihnk ur Rat contracted a BOT FLY

    does it look like this

  2. My guess would be some sort of parasite.  Many, like mites, you can't see without a microscope so there's no way to tell if he has them without seeing the vet.  Typically, the scratches like you are describing are a called self trauma.  They're a result of him itching himself to the point that he is bleeding, think of it like what humans sometimes do with a bug bite.

    A quick trip to the vet should clear things up.  If it is a parasite the vet will likely use a medication like Revolution or Ivermectin.  These are both very safe when administered correctly and will quickly get rid of the problem.  You want to treat this early before he gets more uncomfortable, or before any of the cuts become infected.

  3. i know you worried but you really shouldnt be. He just scratchin himself really hard.

    Or he playin too hard. clean the scratches and trim his nails and see if the scratches come back. give him a bath too

  4. First calm down, and if they're bleeding profusely put a little bit of flour on them and it will help them scab.

    Are his nails to long? Do you have any other pets? Could it be the cage? Some mites are too tiny to see, so it could possibly be that.

    Take him to a vet (and get him a buddy?)

    Here is a page on some sicknesses, please get back to me, or anyone else who replies!

    Oh btw, I doubt it is botfly.. or whatever that thing was.

    Take some pics please,too!

  5. put a little flour on the scars to get them to stop bleeding. i would take him to the vet and get a proper diagnoses. my guess would be a parasite. unless him and his cage mate got into a fight??

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