
HELP HELP HELP!!!! idk whats wrong!

by  |  earlier

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my black moor is just sitting at the bottom

yesterday she was fine, today shes just resting at the bottom

whats wrong, anything?!!?!?!?




  1. it happen to my fish and it got right back up few weeks later. Or it might b dieing and u might get a medicine...


    Blackmoor was my favorite goldfish since i was a 4 year old kid ...i hope your blackmoor wiill b alright...

  2. have you cheaked your ph levels and the nitrate levels, they could be way out of wack and need fixing.  

  3. What size tank do you have her in and does it have a filter? Does she appear to have any physical changes such as white spots on her body or anything? Sorry I need more info to be able to help.

    Edit: The fact that she still eating is usually a sign that she is not sick from an illness most of the time. Maybe she is dying or maybe she is having swim bladder issues. Check all of your water parameters and if nitrites, or ammonia are high do a water change. Also tried to feed her some skinned peas since she is still eating...this should help with the swim bladder issues. This is all I got sorry

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