
HELP!!! Hamster Hurt!?

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My hamster just got mauled by my dog. All I see is a broken leg, it didnt go through his skin but he is dragging that leg. But then its becomming more clear that he is not really using his other leg. I took out his wheel and made sure that he had food and water as I always do along with my other animals. What can I do???? I can't go to a vet because I cannot afford it. What should I do!!??? I am a huge animal lover and I am really hurt by this. What can I do to help this hamster feel better??? Please help me.




  1. My dog killed my hamster...I cried for like ever.

  2. what i would do is not to take the hampster to the vet it would cost a lot of money so what i would do is take the wheel out of the cage and give your hamster extrea beding my daugthers hamster fell and hurt its leg she put extrea beding in the cage it toke a while for her to recover she is fine now  but today 17th july 08 one of my daughters hamsters died it died by choking to death his name was sooty sooty was jet black and white underneath sooty will be sadley missed by all of us if you need any more help in anyway get back to me and i will try and help you

  3. About three weeks ago, my hamster caught her front left leg in the metal water-bottle holder in her cage.  (DO NOT BUY OR USE THEM -- THEY ARE DANGEROUS!!! -- USE STRONG VELCRO OR SOME OTHER WAY TO HANG THE WATER BOTTLE!!!!!  I LEARNED THAT LESSON AT THE EXPENSE OF MY HAMSTER'S LEG!).  

    She was climbing to the top of her cage, attempting to escape.  Her foot caught between the metal and the bottle, and the SHARP edge of the holder cut her leg.  It seemed that she also chewed on her leg to get loose.  

    I took her to a vet (even tho I've always been one to laugh at people who spend lots of $$ to care for an inexpensive pet!).  They prescribed liquid antibiotic drops and pain reliever drops.  

    I would recommend calling a vet, explaining what happened and ask if they offer any discounts or a payment plan -- or if they would give you advice as to what to do or where you could go for less expensive help.  They might be willing to sell you liquid antibiotics and pain reliever for a smaller price (cuz each dose for a hamster is really small).  

    Some pet stores employ a vet -- you could check to see if they are less expensive.  

    I had put some "human" antibiotic ointment on my hamster's leg -- DON"T DO THAT -- the vet said that it's dangerous because they will l**k it off and ingest it.  Also, no human drugs of any kind -- not even over-the-counter ones like aspirin.  

    I'm so very sorry for you and for your hamster.  Sometimes it seems that the human "hurts" more than the pet does!!

    Continue to hold him (gently), pet him, and talk to him in a calm way.  And be sure to keep his cage VERY CLEAN -- so that there is less chance of infection.  

    My hamster's foot dried up and, just yesterday, it fell off.  She now has just a very short stump, which she always holds close to her body.  So, she only has one front leg to pull her and navigate the directions she wants to go.  She's kept her sweet disposition, and seems to be coping better than I am -- I still cry when I think about it, or when I watch her trying to run on her wheel or in her plastic ball.  

    Good luck to both of you -- I hope your precious hamster heals well and will be able to use his leg.

  4. Sorry but if you cant take it to the vet theres nothing really you can do just keep checking up on him and give him some fruit or treats... Good Luck......

  5. Hmm I once dropped my hamster when I was a kid and broke his little leg. I felt so bad. My dad took him to the vet but he said there was nothing they could do for him.


    Yes there is a small fee. I think it was about $20-$25

    The best thing you can do is don't let him suffer any longer as he is in pain. Try and figure a way to get to the vet. Don't let him suffer.

  6. You can't make him feel better. Your hamster is seriously hurt and needs to go to a vet. You can pay the bill in terms.

    Just phone the vet now !!!!

  7. leave him alone let him stay in his cage for like a week and keep an eye on him if he seems like hes in alot of pain the humane thing to do would be to put him down, but after a week if he seems in good health (other then the apparent injury) put a towel in youre dry bathtub and let him roam around if he doesnt get any exercise it may result in him never using his leg again but dont leave him in ther for to long start out at 5 mins then gradually increase to a maximum of 20 minutes when you feel the injury is fully healed (or when he puts weight on it then put the wheel back in and play with him as you normally would.
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