
HELP??? Having child problems...?

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I have a 6 year old, and he's really smart, but lately he's been acting out more and more. Today, he polked another boy in the eye at school, and when the teacher caught him and yelled at him, he punched the teacher. He was sent to the principal's office for the first time where he lied to her and told her that his father died and his heart was broken into a million pieces. He's never met his father, first of all, and the the man that he's grown to know, the only father he's ever known, is alive and well. We've taken away his t.v., his xbox, all electronics, and sent him to his room for the night, and he's not even acting like he's in trouble. He's been lying to me more and more often and I just don't know what to do with him anymore!!! HELP!!!!




  1. .Sounds like you are doing good mom.I have found that in punishing a child, sometimes you have to sit down & think-what will make him say OUCH!!!For some reason, sending him to his room, was`nt an "ouch" When you figure this out, it will be more effective.Make him apologize to the teacher for hitting him.In front of the class. Then the that should do it.Make him accountable for his actions. Good Luck Also, take him to princapal, apologize for lying-this should nipp it in the bud. Be sure & tell them all that he`s going to be a good boy, if he isn`t to let you know immediatly. He`ll probaly mumble & look down,Tell him to look them in the eyes & speak up. (he won`t) This will embarrass him so bad, hopefully leaving an impression, to never do it again.

  2. Sorry to say this but it's either you beat the child and put some senses to him here in the caribbean we beat our children and they walk straight ever since, I've been beaten when I was little and I came out fine. Well if you don't want to do this well you should go see a psychologist or something maybe something is really botherin the child.

  3. Have there been any changes at home or school?

    Does he know the man that is the only father he has ever known isnt his birth father?

    If not, is it possible somebody told him otherwise?

    Just throwing some questions out there.

    I do have to comment on the fact that he has a tv, xbox and other electronics at all much less in his room. My son only watches about  1 hr of tv a week if even that. We only have 1 tv and that is in the family room. He plays in his room and I have to say most nights its more entertaining than watching tv just listening to him.

    Want make him really understand he is being punished? If possible take everything out of his room except for his mattress and dresser. And I mean everything. All his toys, games, etc etc everything fun. Just leave the basics. A place to sleep and a place to put his clothes. Then until he learns to behave, he gets up gets ready for school, comes home does school work, eats dinner (and I'll tell you about meals in a minute) shower, then to bed. Now for meals, he doesnt get yummy food like pizza, fries, burgers, etc etc. He gets pb sandwiches no jelly or plain oatmeal. You get the idea, none of his favorite foods. And yes he gets to sit and the dinner table with the family and watch you eat pizza, fries, burgers etc. I know it sounds harsh but it will get his attention.

  4. Why does he have a television?  Don't you know that television in a child's bedroom contributes to sleep disorders, sleep depravation and is probably the reason you son is acting the way he is.  As for his xbox...don't you monitor the time he spends playing video games?  Apparently you don't monitor his television habits.  My kids get an hour a day with teleivision, computer or game system ONLY when they have earned it by behaving properly and there is NO television in their bedroom in fact the television goes OFF half hour before bedtime.

  5. Seems he's lashing out due to something.  If it were a change in things at home or school.  Are kids making fun of him or bullying him.  Are you busy that usual and dont spend much quality time as you did?  Can he write?  If so, give him a pencil and paper, have him write down things that bothered him that day and read them before bedtime, then talk them over with him when tucking him in bed.  Work on the issues he mentions.  If it gets more severe talk to his dr. to see what they suggest.

  6. i would sit him down and talk to him.. but when or if you do it.. make sure you tell him, if he lies to you, he is going to get into more trouble.. but sit him down and try to find out and talk to him with what is bothering him... that might help, or maybe take him to a counsler...... if you don't do it now, it's only going to get worst  when he gets older...... =)

  7. My kids was in the same way, I can't find a solution and they are a mess. It's like they are a natural liars and don't have any conscience about what happened. Sometimes I think its the media and games responsible to make kids more in other world.

    I believe a good solution was the boot camp but in those times I have no money to pay a good one. Today they are just liars and lacy guys.

    I hope you kid become better than my kids, just be strict and tal and explain why you do all this. Hes really smart and he becomes to say stories so, just keep the eyes very open because he has to try to surprise you. A good psicology doctor could be another good option but you are in time do something now and don't give up, you can change that little kid in something good.

  8. He's obviously acting out to get attention.  There must be a problem causing this.  Try getting the school counselor to talk to him, if that doesn't work, I would suggest a children's therapist.  He seems to be angry about something and needs to talk to someone fast.  Kids can be cruel and maybe someone has said something to him about his natural father.  He really needs help dealing with whatever it is or it will get worse.

  9. Please don't take this the wrong way but I think the little guy's pretty cool!  I think what he is doing is testing the limits.  He is starting to explore "right from wrong".  And when he gets caught, he does whatever he can to get out of trouble.  Giving him consequences is a good idea but he also needs guidance on right from wrong, honesty, and some conflict resolution.  Don't panic yet about this.  If he was a couple of years older I'd be more concerned.  Also, if he keeps repeating these kind of actions I would seek further help.

  10. I started taking my seven year old to a behavioral interventionist.  I asked to have him talk to the counsler at school and he lied to her.  He had a CPS investigation started and he later told the behavioral interventist it was because he didn't want to talk to the counsler.  Ironically, he hasn't since.  Seeing the BI has been incredible.  We are having less lying and acting out.  Just be carefull if he is lying and manipulating, he may try to get out of seeing th BI by not acting out for a while (mine did, to start up again the day after I didn't schedule another apt).  Get it taken care of now.

  11. mine would have a red butt...i have a five yr old, and a seven year old..have never had a problem to that extent in school or home..they arent perfect, but they know what respect is.

  12. this is just a phase. i don't have a kid <i'm only 13> but i have a sister, and she's six too. she usually lies as, not as serious as your son, but you know...i think this is just the stage children go through where they learn about defiance and can't wait to try it out. don't worry, i'm sure the problems will be over soon!!! good luck!

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