
HELP! How can I deter/get rid of Ants?

by Guest58411  |  earlier

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Bear in mind it's early Sunday evening and there are no shops open that might sell Ant killing ingredients!

They weren't there this morning, but now there are loads of them, including flying ones! They are coming from a 'crack' in the wall near the window and are now congregating on the window sill! Does anyone have a 'home remedy' I could use, please! : )




  1. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle it here and there. The ants will come and pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.

  2. Pour boiling hot water where you see them going in then draw a chalk line on your wall. Ants won't walk across chalk. Hope that helps.

  3. Baby powder it suffocates them and after a while they'll leave put it where they're coming from and around doors and window sills

  4. try boiling water or bleach

  5. First, kill the ones that you see. Try an ant killer that you can just spray on them. Second, I would wash the area where you see them coming in and the surrounding area with boric acid. It is actually a powder, just follow the directions on the label. Then if possible  without pets or children around you can place some boric acid in it's powder form around the crack. I would also place some little plastic ant traps around. They work for me.

  6. First wash the area with soap and water. The ants leave a chemical signal for other ants to follow to food and washing away the scent trail will confuse and stop others from going where you do not want them to go. Next prepare a mixture of half boric acid and half sugar (not much). Dissolve the mixture in water, soak cotton balls in the water and put them down near the entrance the ants are using. After that do not disturb the ants. You want them to take as much of that mixture back to the nest as possible and share with there brethern. After a few days you will not have an ant problem.

  7. get a water hose and start watering around the outside of the house where you think they are coming from, when you get the nest wet they will come streaming out with the little white eggs. be ready with some Simple Green in a spray bottle spray the ones you see, then pour some into the nest. done deal

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