
HELP!! How can i look my best in two days?

by  |  earlier

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I have a second date with the a person i am totally in love with (woop woop!), but i have just been at my sister's wedding in Italy and have put on about 5 pounds, my skins got bad from all the alchohol and rich food and i have no energy! Please please help me with some tips on how to get looking and feeling my best in time for my date! Thank you! :o)




  1. Wear loose clothing and wear long sleeve dresses! it will hide the bumps and wrinkles. as for your energy try eating low fat protien foods.

  2. Do a fast til then.

    drink water with some lemon .

    wash ur face day and night (dont forget to mostrise)

    coca butter is good for ur skin :)

    wear makeup and loose clothing on ur date.

    high heels makes ur butt look smaller lol

    on the fast u cud lose 3 or more pounds :D

    i love 4 in 2 days .

    good luck

  3. excersise. not only is it good for the weight thing but for your skin. the sweat will make your skin look and feel much nicer.  

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