
HELP!!!!!!!!!!! How do I save pictures in jpg format??

by  |  earlier

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For some reason, my computer won't save anything but bitmap images--which I cannot use when making mahjong tilesets--all of a sudden.I've made probably 100 sets in the past, but now it's like my brain (or the computer's) can't remember how I did it. :( I right click to Save As, give the picture a name, but can't change where it says Bitmap, and then go through opening My Computer, disk C, Program Files, the program I want, and then player tilesets (which worked fine up till last night). Then I was able to preview the picture, crop it/edit it if necessary

and then add it to my Mahjong game's tilesets folder. I managed to save 6 pictures, but I need 36 for the set in order to submit it to the game. I've even tried to save them to My Pictures and then moving them to the tileset folder, but even that is not working (I can't preview them,etc).




  1. There is a pull down menu below where you name the file. Normally you can pick from a list of different file formats. Look for JPEG.

  2. go to and download the Gimp.  it is a freeware version of photoshop and it will only take a few minutes to install.  Open up the Gimp and chose file > open.  Chose the picture you wish to save as jpg and open it.  Now go to file > save as and re-save it as filename.jpg.  this should do the trick. Good Luck! :-)

  3. When you are saving your file, just type .jpg at the the end of it, that will save it as a JPG file.

    Hope that helps.

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