
HELP! How do i get rid of ants inside my home!?

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i try to not leave food out, but they are attracted to ANYTHING! i have ants crawling into my dog's food bad and i find ants everywhere! i try to use the spray, and sure it kills them on contact-- but there are always more!




  1. Please consider trying Boric Acid. It is a naturally occurring mineral compound that ants do not want to have to crawl across. If you make a solution of warm water, sugar and Boric Acid the ants will lap it up. Once they become dehydrated from the solution the Boric Acid (Boron mineral) will crystalize and lacerate their digestive system. This is a fairly safe non-toxic solution and not as likely to bring harm to your household pets or children. Nonetheless don't leave the small dish where they're likely to be able to access it. Also a line of the Boric Acid near the cracks will get tracked by the ants and brought back to their colony, "bad stuff" for them. By the way, store bought pesticides only encourage a natural response from the Queen ant to lay much more larvae, "ewww gross!".

  2. They sell ant "motels".  Try them

  3. The very best thing I found is triazazoid granules from home depot. You sprinkle a few grain where ever you see ants and they take it back to their nest and with in 3 days no more ants. And its not as bad as sprays and ant traps don't work

  4. I had the same problem years ago. I had to call an exterminator to come and spray because I tried everything under the sun. The exterminator helped.

  5. get some stuff called "toro" it is like a thick corn syrup they eat it and take it back to the nest  and it kills the rest of the colony. Worked  for me when I had ants

  6. what you do is just get out of your house and buy this stuff called ant bomb and it bombs your house with a chemical that will kill all the ants and do not worry it will not kill you!!

  7. Boric acid works well and is cheap.  The liquid glue like ant killer is called Terro.  It is made in many different kinds of ways..spray, liquid, powder.  Google it and find out where to buy it.

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