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I just started High School level soccer as a Freshman, but I stink because I'm just completely scared of the ball. I don't know how to get out of this, because it really is like a phobia, and I can't go on playing like this. Any tips!? And not just like 'there's no reason to be scared of the ball' or stuff like that because I've heard it a million times. HELP!




  1. You need to get comfortable with the ball. Every time it comes to you, you want to be able to control it without even thinking about it.

    Best way to do this is to spend more time practicing with one. Learn how to juggle the ball. Start off dropping it on the ground so it bounces and in between every bounce kick it up to about waist height. Eventually you can progress to not letting it hit the ground and then juggle using alternate feet.

    Also find a brick wall and try kicking it into the wall pretty hard and when it comes back to you at speed, try to stop it right at your feet. Often in a game the ball will come to you at speed, and if you haven't practiced controlling it, you will find it hard on the pitch after you have been running for 70 mins.

    And dont forget, its not always about just getting the ball forward, if you cant find a good forward option, pass it back to someone that might be in a better position to get it upfield. Remember, the key is possession possession possession!

  2. i admit i laughed at this question, im deeply sorry =/

    anyways, it sounds like you're new to football (soccer), maybe your best bet is to practice some basic football drills and get yourself "acquainted" with the ball. The ball isn't going to hurt you, (well it might) but the more you practice with it the more comfortable you'll feel playing with it. Just look at it like learning to ride a bike, its scary at first but the more you do it the less intimidating it is. Practice kicking the ball back and forth with a friend, or throwing it to eachother or even start up a friendly match with people u feel comfortable with and your fear will soon go away.

  3. quit

  4. i had the same thing

    but my brother told me tht it wont hurt

    it just stings for like couple of seconds

  5. have a friend throw a ball at you until you're comfortable with it

    soft at first, and as you become comfortable harder and harder

  6. have a friend practice passing and shooting the ball back and forth until you get comfortable with it. during games, just pretend you're practicing with that friend

  7. practice with the ball while your by yourself.just juggle and do sum just want to get ur body comfortable with the ball.

  8. Just have the ball kicked at you a couple of times...after a while you don't even notice when it hits you.  Also, remember, that the closer you are to a player when they kick the ball, the less chance it has to rise.  So play aggressive defence, get right in their face, and the ball will be kicked at your shins not your face.  But yeah, just get your friends to kick the ball at'll help. Maybe.

  9. just keep playing, once you are used to playing the game you wont even worry about the ball hitting you, because you will eventually get used to it

  10. Get yourself hit by the ball once or twice and your fears will just probably fade away............

  11. Just dont be afraid of it. you just gotta get over it just tell yourself that it doesent hurt or you can have some1throw the bal at you until you stop being afraid

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