
HELP!! I'm 13 and some guy keeps harassing me on the cellphone and its scaring me! HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm only 13 and every single day and night this guy calls me and he text messages me rude, disgusting messages. If i answer and asks "Who is this?" or tell them "Wrong number" he doesn't listen! And a few weeks b4 this happened my dad got these calls too but now it's me! i don't know how he got this number and why he won't leave me alone but i'm kinda creeped out and don't know what to do.

I want to block him but i don't know how.. Help anyone??




  1. If u can't block him how about changing ur number?

  2. uuhhgg don't tell the f u cking cops they won't do anything but file the report. unless you have a number. but if you did you'd probably have this thing resolved already

    only thing to do hun is to call you're phone company and tell them to block the call or change you're number. this jack *** is probably some random guy that got a hold of your number and found a way to scare you, that's what creeps do now these days i guess. if not find out who he is. what i would do is talk to them. i'm sure you don't want to though. i had these people prank calling me, then one day i actually made friends with them. i just started talking to them...

    thats not always the best thing to do, bc this guy could actually be some freak and it could get out of hand. but seriously, call you're phone company and change you're number if you don't have his.

    and if he calls again just tell him to get a d**n life.

  3. Tell the cops

  4. Use the record feature on your phone when he calls and save his text messages. Have your cell company change your phone number and see what you need to do to have his number blocked. With the recorded conversations and saved text messages take it to your local police dept or call them over the phone (don't call 911 there should be an office number in the phone book) to inform them of the situation and see what they can do.

  5. Most cell phone companies in my experience will let you change your phone number in a matter of minutes.. This might be the best thing to do in your case. If your father recently got a phone call like this you need to be careful who your giving your number to. Maybe the person that is doing this is someone that knows the family or that you gave your number too since they called your father too. Also you need to write down the exact times and dates of these calls so you may be able to track them. If your phone bill does not supply you with the incoming phone numbers of these calls then call the company them self and ask if they have that information available. If not the police may be able to subpoena this information if the calls are threatening and of a serious nature. But if not its probably easier to just change the number.  

  6. please save the voicemails/test messages and call the police.

  7. U need to take the phone to the police and get them to sort it out..

  8. Call your provider and have your number changed immediately.

  9. Call the cellphone company and have the number blocked.  Then tell the cops whats going on and give them the number he is calling from.

  10. First, tell your parents immediately that this guy is harassing you on your cellphone. Second, report this to the police. I've heard they can track people's calls somehow,  so they can manage to find out where this guy lives.  

    Hope it works!

  11. Tell your daddy and the police.

    If his number shows it.  May show a name and address

  12. You cant block him. I have a cell phone too and wanted to get a number blocked. Cell phones arent like regular landline phones. The only way to stop him is to take his number and messages to the police station and they'll find out who owns that number and take action against him because he is acting inappropriately towards a minor. Unless, its some teenage guys playing a prank on you. Just ignore them. As long as you keep responding, they'll keep on doing that. Dont answer the phone and dont text back. Dont give him a reason to keep on doing it.

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