
HELP! I'm a first time volunteer,,,DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO??

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I'm going to volunteer at this camp , only for the weekend,I have never worked with kids other than my sibling...I'm 18...

any advice for ( fun and games, or being strict)




  1. You need to be in charge, but that doesn't mean that you can't have plenty of fun and games.  I would have your group agree to three simple rules.  The kids should have some input (unless they are still in diapers or something) if possible.  For example, one rule could be that everyone participates.  Talk about the fact that not every activity will be one that everyone likes, but it will be more fun if everyone tries their hardest to give things a try.  Another rule could be that everyone keeps their hands, feet, etc. to themselves or that "trash talk" isn't allowed.  

    Another fun thing to do at camp is to have a group cheer or something like that.  If you have any friends who were pretty active in Boy Scouts, they should be able to give you ideas.  If the camp is outdoors, another possibility would be to have a "toast" every time you move from one activity to the next.  This is particularly important, because that way all the kids stay hydrated too.  Take turns giving the toast.  Everyone raise their water bottles and someone says "A toast to..." (kids can fill in the blank).

    If your parents know any grade school teachers, he/she might also give you some good tips for managing behavior.  Ultimately if everyone is well behaved you have a better time!

    Good luck!

  2. There are lots of interesting activities that you can do at camp. Toasting marshmallows on a camp fire is fun for kids (8 years old and up with very close supervision). For younger kids, you can toast the marshmallows for them. Plus, you can put the toasted marshmallow between two graham crackers for a delicious snack. Other activities include outdoor games, like tennis and baseball. After everyone gets tired, you can play card games or Chinese telephone. Oh and don't forget those good ol' camp songs - "I love the mountains", "Auld Lang Syne", etc.

  3. Just be your self, and remember every else is feeling the say way... I


    Hi and I want to first commend you for wanting to reach out and help others.  Volunteering pays in way a job never could.  I know this might now go along with your question so I’ll be brief, I looking for people to help get the word out about mental health, depression, bipolar disorder.  I’m working on a grass roots project that used humor as a way to heal.  Take a look at my site, see if they is any way you can thing of that you might be able to volunteer a little of your time to promote it…

    It could be as simple as sending the link to some you know might like the cartoons and could use a little laugh or adding us to your blogroll / website.  There is no limit on what you can do to help… Yet I ask that you consider doing something. “Many hands makes the load light”.  And more people will to do a little will do a lot.  So keep that willing spirit to help other and you will have a joy worth more than money…

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