
HELP! I'm having a girl/boy party for the first time! about 30 people- DANCE! HELP WHAT ELSE???

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Me and my friends are having a girl/boy party together. HELP!

Girl #1's friends are in 7th grade

Girl #2's friends are in 8th grade

Girl #3's friends are in 9th grade!!!

**They don't really know each other how could we "break the Ice?"


We know were going to have dancing...but what else can we do before the dancing?

Please help me!! We might have a fire and make smores or something....we dont know and WE NEED HELP!!




  1. . Have a BBQ at some point

    . Play spin the bottle

    . Have a pool party

    That is all I can think of! LoLx :)

  2. dats kul wit oldr guys it shuld b tight

    put music on wen ppl r like cuming n have beer lol jp bt u culd..jaja

    um wel hav da music on n mayb hav like a funi movi on or a scary movi on da tv if ders a tv were da party is,

    um chips lol n soda jaja

    smores? lol i gues, jus make it more like a kik bak n jus kik it lol u dnt need like stuf 2 do jus dance n talk n stuff lol

    OOH u shuld play thruth or dare we do dat in skul lol its fun

    n since ders guys n gurls da dares culd b fun lol

    n how to BREAK DA ICE? it wont b hard lol, a bunch of guys n gurls yea im jelous of u dat wuld b so much fun

    gud luk

    hav fun

    beer!! LOL JP JP

    watch me get a 100 thumbs down jaja


  3. one game thats really fun kinda like musicall chairs  is where everyone sits in a circle and one persons in the middle and he/she asks any person in the circle if they like there nieghbor if they say no that person switches places with the person nxt to him if they say yes they have to name something they dont like that people at the party have then those people who have what was named haft to get up and find a differnt seat who evers left standing does the same thing again its really fun specially with alot of people.

  4. Set out a few card tables out back and put out card and board games. Dominoes is a good game to to put out. If you have a Wii or any other video game consoles, that is usually a hit and you don't have to really hear it to play. Of course, you have to have snacks too. Order pizzas or hot wings and buy chips, dips, cookies, candy, etc. Another fun thing would be a "make your own sundae" or "decorate your own cookie." table. Have fun and be creative. :)

  5. Ask some of your friends that have a wii or something to bring it and you could have a video game competition. Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero/ Rock band multi player would work well!!

  6. dance

  7. since its at night it is always fun to run around and do something stupid outside like tag or hide and go seek. another idea is something kinda crazy like duck duck goose or water balloon fights. or if you live near a pool have a late night swim.

  8. Pool Party

    Slip and Slide

    Water Balloon Fight

    Spin the bottle

    Watch movies

    Have a BBQ

    Play Twister

    Play Scene-It

    Play Truth or Dare

    Make a camp fire and tell ghost stories

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